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Johnny and Joe time



EMERGENCY : Biden Federalists Declaration of War on the Constitutionalists with the Blood Red Background with the Nazi Symbol

It’s On V for Vendetta Vampire blood red Background, Red Cross looking like Nazi symbol Fight or Leave Now! Biden has Stated on TV he wants all GOP arrested (Jimmy Kimmel) Biden has stated he is assembling 90000 armed Federalists to go door to door. Obama has stated he assembled 75000 Federalists (Antifa) The Line was clearly Drawn. It was stating that Vaccinated were the same as a unvaccinated but for the Single Person standing Djokovic and the arrest of Djokovic. Germany declared they want to kill every German in an unnecessary War with Russia. That is not a Democratic Republic. Boris Johnson wants endless War not a Peace deal. Biden finances endless war with Russia and said the Sanctions are not to end the war but give the rest of the world pain and to Eliminate Carbon emitters, you. Trudeau said he wants every Canadian dead to get to 0 Carbon, 3 times. Germany 1939 had many indicators of what was going down and many got out. There are many many more indicators today than then. Most of all the RHETORIC WORDS seem insane and could never happen no matter how much they repeat the insanity. Trudeau in quiet polite Canada STOLE the election and will do the same even with 10 percent support. Biden announced he would steal the election and did and will steal every other one. Germany announced they have no interest in voters. The Governments are responsible for all major war and crime and that is their purpose and their methodology and their means. You can laugh about this, joke about it, ignore it, be scared of it, but until you FIGHT, it will get much much worse. Worse than killing our children and babies. Alex Jones said they plan false flags of great destruction and the Globalists went nuts claiming he was going to do something. You can choose now who lives and who dies. Most choose themselves and loved ones to live. Or just take the shots, go broke, go hungry, freeze and go to Jail when they come for you.






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Uploaded 2 years ago  

September 2nd 2022  

1 Comment


- 2 years ago  

Yeh, a few days ago I noticed "ANAL"Anthony Albanese Australian priminister , press release,in a bright orange tie ! Thought to myself......... Mmmh, somethings about to go down , wonder what ? And BINGO , two days later.... Bidens declaration of war !