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Johnny and Joe time



I am vaxed and got infected but I can travel, my healthy Unvax husband stays restricted.

  - 3:41

Total bs from start to finish There is no such thing as 40 percent effective. It means not effective. And how can you tell. Did you go 1.9 meters from a fake positive person 40 percent of the time and not get a fake positive therefore it works 40 percent. Bs Omg wake up everything is a lie Most injections are salt because everyone knows 80 percent of injections cause some sort of reaction, if you know people that had no reaction then only 1 in 10 of them got a real shot. And when they get the next real shot they will be well on their way to death. To protect from a cold or flu that kills nobody according to the writing on the Test kit itself. “If you have 3 plus morbidities you MAY get pneumonia”. And they pay the Doctor and hospital $100,000 to misdiagnose, mistreat and kill your ass. Wake up I have never seen one Government doctor, official, leader, lawmaker show one piece of scientific evidence supporting anything from a virus existing outside a computer to masks working that say on them they don’t block virus to locking people in a room. They say Safe and Effective And It’s a deadly virus The current flu going around is not deadly, half as deadly as a usual flu, and is mostly in the Vaccinated because they don’t have an immune system anymore. It is unrelated to Flus in 2020 because if it was even the vaccinated would have some immunity naturally built up from prior infections but they don’t.






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January 13th 2022  

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- 2 years ago  

First lesson, don't try the poison first...