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Johnny and Joe time



The QR JUDE Freedom Arm Patch Pass

Canada’s Trudeau and William Lyon Mackenzie King unify in the need to Depopulate those lower than the Dirt to save the Planet. Prime Ministers Trudeau and King views on Jews: In 1937, King visited Germany and met with Adolf Hitler.[70] Possessing a religious yearning for direct insight into the hidden mysteries of life and the universe, and strongly influenced by the operas of Richard Wagner (who was also Hitler's favourite composer), King decided Hitler was akin to mythical Wagnerian heroes within whom good and evil were struggling. He thought that good would eventually triumph and Hitler would redeem his people and lead them to a harmonious, uplifting future. These spiritual attitudes not only guided Canada's relations with Hitler but gave the prime minister the comforting sense of a higher mission, that of helping to lead Hitler to peace. King commented in his journal that "he is really one who truly loves his fellow-men, and his country, and would make any sacrifice for their good".[71][72] He forecast that "the world will yet come to see a very great man–mystic in Hitler ... I cannot abide in Nazism – the regimentation – cruelty – oppression of Jews – attitude towards religion, etc., but Hitler ... will rank some day with Joan of Arc among the deliverers of his people."[73] During 1938, 922 Jews made it by the hand of god to the shores of Canada where the Prime Minister of Canada, WLM King sent them back to his BF Hitler where they were Cooked alive. Ford requires all Ontario citizens wear the Yellow certificate on the Left arm at all times to promote Freedom. While the EU says stop the shots and Fitzer says we will make a pill with Ivermectin and Antivirals lol To Those who took the shots, thank you for your Patronage, next time, Read the fine print lol (causes death,…)






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September 2nd 2021  

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