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Johnny and Joe time



Memo from the NWOs Neil Ferguson

They are losing and they know it. They are throwing the kitchen sink at us. Every country has Ministers of Death that issue a parrot memo like this one. The fake PCR is running at 45 magnification from now on so everything is a false positive. The real PCR shows infection at 10 magnification, of course there would be no positives then, no pandemic. Locking down everything, forced inoculation plans, Feb 1. Cancer increases 20 times after shot. FDA says they approve shots for children after no testing at all. FDA tells doctors they cannot prescribe Ivermectin although perfectly safe and totally effective by their own studies. They put up billboards saying it’s normal for kids having heart attacks and fear about the pandemic causes heart attacks. Creator of MRNA says toxic spike proteins from the shots will destroy young people’s bodies, destroy the immune system, irreversible damages. It has never been tested in very limited groups for at least 5 years. Children represent no danger to anyone, children have great immunity to any Corona virus. There is no benefit to the shots….. Period. Double our attacks to January and we will have the greatest victory. Groups of 12 are all over the world judging people for crimes against humanity by those in power. Join the winning team, judge fairly swiftly and execute punishment with good conscience. Godspeed






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Uploaded 2 years ago  

December 15th 2021  

1 Comment


- 2 years ago  

Yeasss 🤔 not sure if this kind of fakery is helpful. Especially when basic spelling mistakes are glaringly obvious. 'I shuTTer to think'???? You meant shuDDer surely? That doesn't mean the odious philanderer and globalist stooge Ferguson shouldn't be arrested immediately, brought up on charges and hung by his scrawny neck until he's as dead as all those people he was instrumental in killing by his outrageously wrong (many times over) modelling predictions. Likewise the politicians, corporate career criminals and medical professionals complicit is mass murder by pushing these experimental cocktails and denying Ivermectin early treatment. Same same with the scandalous culling of the old folks with Midazolam by Hancock, Cuomo and other gold digging corrupt philanderers. Hang the lot of them.