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Johnny and Joe time



Bronny is Dead, Fox is Dead, Hammon is dead, Dover is dead…A.I. Images is all that is left of them…wake up or die

Shakespeare is dead They are all fucking dead. Every hour of every day your heart scars more and more once you have had the real shot. Do you understand that the healthiest are falling like flies because they use their hearts. When everyone else eventually needs their heart for a heavy stress situation it won’t be there and poof. Get it! Don’t you recall the sudden stop of all media once the shots were injected to all that would take them through mandates. They completed their mission. Billions injected. Then they sat back and watch everyone slowly die until 2025. Then they started the fake war, then the fake climate crap currently in full swing. That Globalist is out there. It can't be bargained with, it can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity or remorse or fear and it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are all dead You have been fooled over and over again Watch and understand how they Deep Fake the mouth and voice. This is how come they were able to kill and replace Paul McCartney. Every image on the net has been Deep Faked, every video, every song. They hijack people, brains, technology and get those to sign on the dotted line, signing their life’s work away, their soles. If you don’t sign they harass, extort, psych out, steal or even kill your ass. By definition they are the Devil. Another term for what they do is TAX Tax means theft, no logic, govt prints whatever they want so why tax. Psychological Warfare






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July 28th 2023  

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