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Johnny and Joe time



The Death Shot

It’s not Covid. The Death Injections Let me explain the facts Many many injections are just salt water. The number of terrible reactions including death imminent, are impossible to determine because we don’t know how many real injections there are and how many fake shots. It is likely that every real shot results in destruction of the blood, resulting in imminent death depending on the age, sex, and strength of the injected. Every person that gets a full real dose is going to die from the shot. Top Dr Bhakti has verified this that 14 of 15 deaths are from the shot, not other factors even if those factors could eventually lead to death. All organs are eventually destroyed by the shot. There are pictures of magnified blood showing nano black particles that seem to gather and form chains. It has been shown that there is liquid in these nano particles. I believe these are time release capsules that are used to travel to all areas of the body and eventually release the lethal solution. This staggers reactions and deaths making it even more difficult to verify cause. A little boy just died 7 months after second dose, probably a time capsule release. Hospitals are filling because of the Injections but they lie and say a lot are not injected Or unknown status. Ontario reports 320 ICU, 100 double Vax, and 220 no Vax and unknown. Here is the lie, unknown, extrapolate, single Vax, booster 1 booster 2, these three will likely account for more than the double Vax which means almost everyone in icu is injected. They can’t say this. Remember Australia said too much, he said 128 in serious condition, really deadly, 127 vaxed. They are all saying we must force vaccinate, Canada, Italy, Austria, Germany. This is really bad, I thought we would start winning this war but they are doubling down on fake cases, lies…. The public is believing, they have no memory of all these lies. We need a revelation or miracle.






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January 7th 2022  

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