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Johnny and Joe time



There is no virus!

It saddens me that everyone is wearing masks. There is no virus. There was never a sars corona extra contagious virus. There is no test that shows this virus. The PCR is not a test, does not show quantity or quality of a virus. The PCR was invented by someone that would tell you this but he died in 2019, with video of him saying that Dr Fauci will do and say anything for money yet Fauci wrote that masks do nothing but cause disease and quinine is excellent fighting sars. All courts have ruled the PCR is useless and does not show that anyone has a virus and you cannot remove anyones rights if PCR is positive. There are no additional deaths in the USA during the pandemic year. Mathematically if you double the spread of a virus every few days as they say this virus was so contagious, after 2 months everyone in the world would have had it, and by now, everyone would have had it 1000 times, and it would be over. Stop wearing the mask You are smart enough now






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Uploaded 3 years ago  

February 24th 2021  



- 3 years ago  

When asked of the CDC, by a medical doctor from California who had run tests on 1500 positive covid-19 swabs his findings all 1500 were negative, did the CDC have a contained source of covid-19? The CDC responding said, "no". This virus has never been identified for the same reason the seasonal flu disappear.

No Apologies

- 3 years ago  

Never have I, nor will I EVER wear a lie on my face...those that do are simply perpetuating that lie and only fooling themselves