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Johnny and Joe time



Stop the Presses…someone in some Government has actually said the Shots are NOT SAFE… Even Desantis has never suggested they are not safe. He just says it’s fraud to say safe and effective (both) Of course Trump loves the shots like he ever took one. This is a Revolution and David Icke said the Tide will begin in 2023 but only felt in 2024 and winning in 2025. Don’t fuck with The Potato Capital of the World. Those that control the potato control the world. There is three levels of Elected Gov have 1000s of people. Not one of these mother fuckers ever took a single shot. And not one has said I want the death penalty for coercion of medical experimentation which is required for this crime against humanity. Shame on all of them including Paul and MTG and Desantis. It’s never too late to procrastinate is their motto. A time to kill these 1000 genocidal maniacs The time is NOW They thought they injected most and they won but there are 1000s of Oskar Schindlers injecting water to tens of thousands each. Thank You Doctors Nurses Injector Schindlers. Those that have been charged with not injecting the lethal crap should show the results of those not injected. Nobody wants to see the living lists of those injected with water. Show just one study of those and everyone will be awake. Go to judge anywhere and say you want a Cease and desist order on all MRNA and spike shots everywhere.






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February 17th 2023  

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