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Johnny and Joe time



Prefrontal Cortex Lobotomy …I loved Bruce … I did all I could to warn him…Bruce’s Lobotomy

Administer needle under Eyelid insert to front forehead and swish around Or Inject Military BIOWEAPON Result Loss of brain function Bruce was on Epstein Island but 1 time. Connect the Dots ———————— Trump was told by the Military that they would be introduced to do the Injections…Warp Speed The Injections had nothing to do with research or Pfizer or Moderna, those were slush funds for extracting money for the Military Complex. There was no research done, admitted by Pfizer, laughing about stopping transmission. Mind has well have asked if it was manual or automatic transmission and maybe less of a laugh. The EU stated to the Courts that the contents of the Injection is the highest military secret, ie a massive weapon system. In the NIH etc documents it clearly states that an Emergency is declared, NO RESEARCH is to be done, and all methods will be used to Inject everyone everywhere, obviously written by the Military. All “Research” was done by early 2000s showing the effectiveness as a lethal BIOWEAPON waiting for the Emergency Declaration that was telegraphed in 10 movies, 10 books and documents, TV and Movies and Fauci. In 2019 governments were advertising the Flu shot and how Gov leaders would Fake getting the shot. Nobody in any lawmaking government took any shots nor were they mandated to. Only when the shots are finally barely taken is there a perceived fight back, all for show at this point, a mop up of the operation like a BDA bomb damage assessment. Hitler was a dry run for spreading massive lies through Military Psychology and mandates and laws. This was phase two of the big lie and how much of society will go for it. Phase 3 will be clear threat of Nukes and Aliens after siege attacks on food, energy, infrastructure. They will never stop till we stop them. More and more of their Chess pieces are moving into preplanned positions. It’s time to turn over the Chess board. .






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February 18th 2023  

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