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Johnny and Joe time



Breaking : This Man Spoke The Truth…Nobody Heard a Word…Distruction Distraction vs Distruction Policy

Judge Napolitano I implore you This is Complex but the Government uses complex software to make all its moves towards Checkmate. The Superior Court Judge said that the only person that the Democrats can BEAT in a presidential race is Donald Trump. The Democrats continue to destroy America and the World so they require a complete Distraction Candidate to run against. A candidate who they will never discuss their policy and only discuss the Opposition Candidates Personality, Donald Trump. The ultimate distraction away from complete destruction policies from the Border to World War to Drugs to Genocide to Depopulation to Poisoning the People and the Food to the destruction of Jobs and manufacturing to complete Corruption to destruction of the Energy markets etc etc etc. He says that Biden can win on the defective personality of Trump and all the Attacks against Trump of which all are at least partially true. He suggest much of this is orchestrated by Hillary who will make herself VP and then Biden steps down and she is finally the President that she Blew last time since at that time it was felt that the only person Trump could beat was her. This being said, deeper thought shows that Trump is part of the Democrat government plan as these rallys never stopped and it seems he handed back the presidency without a fight on J6 yet will fight tooth and nail against Desantis. After Napolitano expressed that Trump will lose to Biden and a clean candidate like Desantis who would be all about policy would win, the Interviewer Alex Jones and Shroyer totally ignored it and pushed 100 percent that Trump is the Man, Trump is poling, Trump is the President. totally bazaar. So as I blogged for years, Trump is completely controlled opposition on the same team wether he knows it or not. They are demonizing Desantis as a Deep Stater, supported by Bush family. The GOV and Deep State is scared of Desantis, not of Trump.






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April 4th 2023  

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