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Johnny and Joe time



Earthquake Channelled through me

An earthquake in March shook my house so much I was sure there would be cracks or collapses all over. It scared the Shit out of me, I was in the toilet expelling parts of the universe. The official force was recorded as a 5. A 5 is barely noticeable, nobody would be scared, nothing would fall, but the entire city felt this and all felt it was a 6 or 6.3 So, what is going on, can the Measurements be that wrong. Right after, I ran out the house and saw all the neighbors out, staring at my house. Strange. I guess they thought I was the epicenter, ground zero, the lightning rod. That would explain why the walls shook so much I was almost thrown to the ground. Btw, the house is solid cement.






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Uploaded 4 years ago  

June 7th 2020  

1 Comment


- 3 years ago  

It's possible you were targeted by 'you can guess who's by speaking out. Not to scare monger; if they wanted you dead, by now you probably would be. They're okay with people knowing this stuff. They can selectively cause earthquakes using harp and other means. Just shows you are on the right track. Remember that your righteous deeds will be remembered in the next life and God will reward you. Accept Jesus as your Lord and saviour to make sure you will be in the right place on that day. Bless you Mr. Right.