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Johnny and Joe time



Net Zero means No Humans For those that think that it makes sense to pollute a lot less per person and then problem solved. Let’s say we use our cars much less, cars being the greatest polluter due to the numbers of cars, next is transport vehicles, then Planes etc. Guess what, since we are polluting less, we have less concern about having more children, ie we bought more time, more cars. Work expands to fill the time you have (Parkinson’s law) If you build it they will come (Field of dreams) More product produces more demand ((McDonald’s) Necessity is the mother (2+lgbtqhasn#$@) of invention Those that work the hardest for themselves end up benefitting others more than others all working at the same time together as a group (Beautiful mind). A woman has a baby in 9 months, 9 women don’t have a baby in one month ( Warren Buffet) When Man makes plans, God Laughs (Yiddish Adage) The Solution May yield many other problems (The Law of Unintended consequences) The best laid plans of Mice and Men often go astray (Robert Burns) So, the natural way is to deal with things best as we see them coming. This is the law of all life. Those that seek to change this are Killers of life by definition. They are thugs and are controlled centrally, and that is their weakness. If each of us chooses to remove these thugs out of our lives there will not be anymore thugs. We don’t need a hero, an army, a police force, or any help from any group. We need ourselves to do what each of us does best. SURVIVE






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Uploaded 3 years ago  

November 2nd 2021  

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