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Johnny and Joe time



They are killing us all, in self defence we arrest the few (Globalists) to save the most (Humanity) This number of deaths of jabbed is grossly under reported according to the CDC because most are not reported as it is totally Volunteer. There is said to be multiple VAERS databases that are not added total 60000 deaths. Alex Jones has Drs that suggest 40 times, S Peters thinks it is 100 times. Harvard Scientific study says it is 100+ times more. That means that 200000 to 600000 have been killed with the first or second jab of which 35 percent were young healthy people. One percent of jabbed are killed or maimed for life. It may be 1 million people killed by the lethal injection including babies. And this is just the first jabs, long term, boosters, introduction of any virus will be many times more. It has been reported that the viewing audience of the Xfiles introducing the Spike protein final solution was greatly overstated. It was actually the lowest share at .02 Globalists pushed back based on failure to Notify, Global Civil Law. Review of all Notifications is under way. Including Notification on Censorship including private speech and texts and sms carriers effectiveness of therapies and danger of WHO therapies and Notification on Depopulation, and Mandating experimental inoculations. GBS, CLOTS, Cardio, Mass influenza vaccine is not worth the risk, get the message out. Fauci is a master criminal as he censors even the Vaccine makers warnings about the injections and the success of Ivermectin, inhalers, and Quinine/Zinc. Stay tuned. A note on the Simulation we live in. We are real but we are fully cerebrally controlled like the Matrix. We have limits and are only permitted physically and mentally within parameters. If you by accident attempt something outside the parameters permitted you are physically wrestled down by an entity (an invisible all powerful force), not a nice thing.






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July 13th 2021  

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