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Johnny and Joe time



Breaking : All Eye Doctors can SEE in your eyes if you have been Injected The eye clots are not yet causing effects on the Injected yet the clots are quite visible to the Eye Doctors. They usually use needles directly into the eyes to remove the small visible clots. It is estimated that if the Fully injected live beyond the 3 prescribed years I have stated, they will slowly become Brain Barrier Lobotomized amongst other various illnesses and effects. The Walking Dead Zombified as Lauderbach coins them. Replacement Controlled Population Illegals in the USA are not Injected. I estimate there are now 30 million illegals and a great number not Injected and a great number with children not injected. This is almost the current population of Canada. Uninjected Illegals. As the Injected population is unable to have children and die off slowly from the injections, the Replacement Population proportion increases logarithmically even with a slower steady illegal migration. Now go request under freedom of information the Eye tests of Biden, Trump, Trudeau, Macron, Fauci, Gates, Wallensky, Schumer…. And I guarantee their eyes are perfectly clear of clots. Imagine the level of EVIL where they admit now they knew of the side effects, they mandate YOU take them and they LIE over and over that they are taking them. I knew the second they all said that the only way out of this declared emergency is if by some miracle a Vaccine was available. That was March 2020. Nobody was getting sick but they kept increasing the Draconian measures and said they will lock us up permanently if we don’t comply with the measures and worse. Then the lethal safe and defective shot is forced but knew everything about it and never took it and never mandated any Gov or elected person. What is the punishment for this Evil!






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Uploaded a year ago  

May 11th 2023  

1 Comment


- a year ago  

Well, it's like this, if you don't know what mRNA is don't take injections of any kind that introduces a different mRNA that your cells do not specifically make for the nutrition of your cells. It's only common sense !