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Johnny and Joe time



Health Rescue or Kill in the Name of Health and the common flu??

In Germany August 2020 I had a close encounter with an Emergency Health Rescue Helicopter (clearly marked with the Health insignia). The helicopter descended quickly over me as I was walking across a highway bridge. Next to the highway was a small gravel park soccer field where a few kids were playing. During this period there were absolutely no restrictions in most of Germany, just masks inside stores. The helicopter was close enough to me I could very easily see the copilot. He had on a full white helmet and black visor down, it looked very strange, he looked like he was someone you would see in a riot police lineup, not a health rescue person. The helicopter went about 20 feet from the soccer field ground just a few more feet to where the kids were playing. The helicopter hovered at a slight angle, and it was spraying up so much sand and gravel even I was getting hit by stones and I was 150 feet away, I can’t imagine what damage the kids had. I believe this was deliberate, the helicopter then went back up and flew away.






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Uploaded 3 years ago  

October 28th 2021  

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