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Johnny and Joe time



Emergency Response : Fauci and the Global Fucks are Starting up the Next Fear Fake Variant, their Biggest lie yet The Convoys are bringing such an Awakening that the Globalists are now throwing the newest nuclear fear porn crap as the response. Klaus cannot let his number one man Trudeau go down. It’s like a script, action, response, action, response. They will demand every person tests and say if you don’t test you are giving AIDS to a million people. They will Demand everyone stays in isolation permanently. It will justify all the deaths that are coming . They will call Heart related deaths and ADE deaths, Corona AIDS deaths, the most transmissible and dangerous yet. They will demand the taking of the most expensive and dangerous AIDS drugs. They will all be vaxed people of course, but they will continue to says it’s mostly Unvaxed. The media will be in a frenzy how Unvaxed must be rounded up now, are Terrorists, and killed, and start with the truckers. The PCR will now be set to test for just 1 fragment of 40000 instead of 2 for Micron, and 3 for Delta, This will result in 70 percent false positives. This will never stop. Each time they up the Lie. They already had Alex Jones spend hours talking about how dangerous this is, and that Unvaxed can get it, which is not true. He insists the COVID-19 has HIV stitched into it and that is what is in the Air now. This is false. There is no COVID-19. It’s in a computer simulation. There is the Injections that reduce the immune system like AIDS and causes Carditis and death. So, don’t take the shots and don’t have fear. Icke says still there is no COVID-19 along with Drs. that know there was never a COVID-19. Recall the Funeral Director who has the alleged symptoms of COVID-19 but tested negative all the time. He said he felt Poisoned, which he was, along with many popular people fighting the narrative successfully. Biggest Psychological Battle yet. Be Fearless and Stand your Ground. Spread the Message.






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February 5th 2022  

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