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Johnny and Joe time



From now on every Penis should ID as Vagina and all go to Females room and Females go to mens So let me understand. A penis wants to be seen by Vaginas and to see vaginas. That Penis does not want to be seen by Penises and does not want to see Penises. Is not that the definition of a Heterosexual Male. I am all for this, but of course Vaginas are not for this. So basically to end this every Heterosexual man should go to the Girls rooms all the time which is what we apparently All want to do and are now allowed to do. Of course the Girls can all go to the Men’s to get away from all the men. Now let’s think about this. All men identify as women and go to women’s and there are only men there, all ID as women if you ask but are in a room called Women’s. Now, is the Alleged Tran ID person going to be upset he does not see vaginas and only penises . My guess is YES. So, in fact He just wants to see vaginas and not penises and have those vaginas see his penis. Again that is not an ID claim it is a BIOLOGICAL natural desire all Men apparently have. Furthermore as He parades around Deliberately showing his penis and he is apparently very proud of his fucking Penis. If HE really thought he was a girl then HE would be horrified showing it off because he Identifies as a Vagina. I don’t recall a lot of Girls Identifying as men and prancing naked with Men. Why is that you fuck heads. I would not go to a known all Gay dressing room but I would go to an all Vagina dressing room that all identify as men. Why is that fuckheads. Because I don’t want a penis stuck in me but am Ok sticking it in Vaginas regardless of how they identify. Bruce Jenny is a fraud BS asshole. If he wants to fuck men which is I guess his claim, he would love to be with penises. But you and I know he does not. He wants to kill men as he said to Ben Shapiro and would never cut off his penis .






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February 6th 2023  

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