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Johnny and Joe time



Person has personal problems so as a precaution close Toronto…get it It is a non disclosed lockdown to stop society Fans have been hit by pucks and sometimes killed and they are taken away and attended to. The game continues. Someone has a personal unrelated issue and they are attended to and they Close Toronto. If anyone felt bad they could send a gift card, follow them out, although Emergency people do not want anyone doing that. So what the fuck is this. At least the Football game was a key player who collapsed relating to the game, not a player in the locker room taking drugs and fainting or a fan not feeling good, there are lots of fans. This being said, be sure, this has happened to many fans during many events and what if many fans die during an event. They can’t hide forever the obvious Heart failures and deaths from the Injections. This is a pivot. They will temporarily save them, close events as per plan and begin to blame climate change, air, other diseases flus colds winter. Not one Gov person has even hinted the shots are in any way dangerous or responsible. They have talked being not very effective. But still SAFE and Limited EFFECTIVEness Even Desantis has never said Dangerous or unsafe. There are 10 million shots still injected every day Not one Official anywhere has gone to any Judge anywhere and asked based on more evidence than anything in History that at least temporarily issue a Cease and DECIST Order On the Shots. There should be 100000 requests to Judges all over the world every day for Cease and DECIST orders on the shots, Of course they give the shots to animals we eat, zoo animals. They are releasing mosquitos with Spike (it is what creates disease in the body, the Anti Spike shot which exists is not for us, just them and they die of only old age)






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January 15th 2023  

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