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Johnny and Joe time



Fauci Facts

All pandemics are over in a year or so. There are now more PCR positives and community transmissions than there were in the past year and a half since the start of the alleged pandemic even with all the restrictions and the fact viruses blow over in a year. There are now many more unusual deaths and illnesses amongst healthy all over the world yet the pandemic should have mostly blown over by now, at least be much less of an issue now. Proven Coronavirus treatments are the safest medical treatments in existence probably because they are fighting off something not dangerous to almost everyone. Proven Coronavirus treatments are suppressed. The Injection is Experimental and must not be coerced and must only be taken with complete knowledge given to the recipient of all past effects and there are millions of mild to deadly side effects ie fully informed consent. Influenza is much more dangerous than any Coronavirus. Influenza for the first time almost ever is practically nonexistent. There is no actual test for the alleged COVID-19 virus. The PCR test is only showing infection if 10 magnification cycles are used, above that is either false or positive but will never lead to infection therefore irrelevant. Alleged deaths from COVID-19 are almost always due to other things. During 2020 there were no additional deaths in the USA. All these limitations, restrictions have not stopped people from getting their annual colds and flus hence they could not stop an alleged pandemic virus. The current situation can only be explained by the introduction of the injections. Every time draconian measures are put in things get worse when everything should have been over even assuming there was a real disease.






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Uploaded 3 years ago  

October 29th 2021  

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