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Johnny and Joe time



WORLD EXCLUSIVE : Blood Types A, B, O, A-J+J, B-J+J, B-MO, PF, AS…Our Life Blood is no longer alive Give Rodney another chance. The Vaccination Destroys Your Blood Red Cross asks you what your Blood Type is when Donating A, B, O, Johnson and Johnson, Moderna, Pfizer or Astrazenica. Isn’t that interesting, new blood types along with new Gender Types LGBTQHASN Get it Folks, your blood is destroyed and they will transfuse you with similar destroyed poisoned blood. Just give it two weeks if you don’t have proof of which poison you received that way they can do a microscopic check to see which poison you received. They will never mix the new different blood types together. I do not recall me Donating blood and being asked who gave me my Polio shot or my Tetnis shot because it does not Poison the blood. The Unvaxed unpoisoned Blood type is going to be a thing of the past. When the Vaxed need blood they will inject similar poisoned blood, sounds like the end of humanity to me. Have you seen the pictures of this poisoned blood? The new normal is the Look of this clotted destroyed blood. The old unpoisoned blood will be considered ugly and poison. Rod Serling knew about this. The Pentagon has all the true death numbers from the injection. The Pentagon says ADE is now killing the Injected as they contact cold and flu viruses. Choose Life not Livelihood Don’t take the shot God Save Us






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Uploaded 3 years ago  

October 5th 2021  

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