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Johnny and Joe time



Stop and Don’t Think

STUPID If the Injection keeps the injected from having severe problems from a Virus, and the Uninjected can get severe problems from a Virus, then it is the Injected that is Selfish. Now consider that it is agreed that the Injected can still get the Virus, and can pass it on to the UNinjected. Again, the Injected are very selfish as they believe that they will not get severe problems while who they pass it to will get severe problems. To me that is Selfish. Someone is very very very stupid. It is also stated by Pfizer that the Injections reduce your immune system by 90 percent or so. This would mean the Injected are many times more likely to get sick than the Uninjected. Pfizer states the more injections you get the more you will need and the faster you will need them, until you have no immune system left. All to partially protect from a virus that kills practically nobody unless you have 3 morbidities and then you may get pneumonia. And of course the Injection insert says it causes permanent heart problems, GBS, death, and 20 other severe effects, short and long term. But you take the shot with fully informed consent having read the 100000 pages of Pfizer data released in the year 2200. Stupid Of course every community that ignored all this crap is fine now and naturally immune to the Virus. The Amish ignored the TV and had a few colds and flus and are immune. Florida is doing better than any other state and had almost no restrictions or mandates.






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December 15th 2021  

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