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Johnny and Joe time



McCarthy will not die suddenly…maybe the shots should be discussed lol…the Elephant, what Elephant Lol Even on conspiracy central, Infowars will not mention why there is zero chance of McCarthy falling dead suddenly and electing a speaker. “Do not discuss the Shots, just discuss how long this voting for the speaker can go on says Owen Shroyer host of call in show…fuckhead if they took the shots it would effect how long the votes go on Of course not one of the Congressmen even mention it. Not one…No investigation necessary because None Took the Fucking lethal Shots. Get it. They must all be killed for Genocide, now. They all are fully aware of the truth that they indirectly voted in Genocide. Not even a topic for the Speaker. Kill them for crimes against Humanity now. Not one says a word. Not one will die suddenly The Cops were forced to take the shots and die. Solution to the Vote Inject all members with all 5 shots now and then whoever is left can vote. This is very very bad what we see going on by these genocidal maniacs. It is not Business as Usual It is Genocide Listen carefully to MTG. She is not a really good person. Nor Trump, nor any of them. If Paul was there he would speak of the shots.






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January 5th 2023  

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