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Johnny and Joe time



Does Alex Jones know what side Alex Jones is on? You Lied

The way of winning a war is by converting or “Turning” your Enemy It is the only way of winning large lasting battles, How To Win a War Slowly and in Small Increments without them knowing Without the Enemy knowing they are converting Using your Enemy and his weaknesses without them knowing Alex Jones is a strong force and has a large following . Even if he is 100 percent against the NWO, the NWO will use him until they get result they want. They will use him till they break him and get results they want. This is an endless Intelligence attack. Alex will Never be taken off the air because the NWO uses his base to study, manipulate, attack, Message, coerce… Alex is more a member of the NWO then he will ever admit too, and not by choice. Many things he does just moves more to the NWO. You will never here Alex say: Any citizen can arrest anyone. If the system will not accept the arrest because of the loss of courts and law of Govt, then anyone can surround anyone who has broken the Nuremberg code, with 12 Peers, recite the evidence, recite the code and ask for a verdict, if unanimous, the Accuser may Behead the accused. Every member of government that breaks the code can be beheaded by 12 peers that all find the accused guilty. This is the law of Humanity, it is clear, and it states, Never Again as it’s motto. Never again Means Never again Go Ahead Alex, Break Bad, say it! You said you never get sick 2 weeks ago, now you say you had covid and almost died Heisenberg Nuremberg






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September 9th 2021  

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