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Johnny and Joe time



Screw your freedoms…Just take the shots and die…I WONT BE BACK…He Did NOT Apologize you idiots

This is not an apology It’s Pfizer talk The entire world is parroting that he apologized. When you read the words it is NOT an apology. It is a double Down. Just read the fucking words. “Ahead of myself” This is positive reaffirming “Positive” “Different words” But meaning the same thing, hasn’t reworded it like you idiots assume he would but he won’t or he would have said something like “It was hidden from me that the mask box said it does nothing and nobody died until the shots based on all World data like Johns Hopkins and Pfizer stating they did no research and does not block transmission and it does nothing because they never showed any evidence of any group Unvaxed to Vaxed to show an effect because the only data shown by Pfizer you fuckheads is that out of 42000 subjects there were 1300 immediate deaths and 3000 almost deaths and 10000 serious reactions 20000 recovering reactions and 1000 site pain reactions. And for all you that do math these were under reported my 15 times and each subject often had up to 4 reactions therefore every single injected had terrible reactions as predicted by Bill Gates and by Design according to Bourla and Yeadon. Bourla said “We are injecting the most dangerous part of a Virus” Yeadon said “It’s depopulation by design” Arnold WONT BE BACK Send this to every cop, every elected official, every teacher, professor … “ Now let me Explain Elon Musk from the view that Mr David Icke is never Wrong. Everything in all media is part of scripting. It has to compel goals of the minions of Globalists and it MUST PLACATE the MASSES. As you feel hatred building to the point of getting Physical against the Global FEW (WEF) they script Placation slowly in increments like Arnold’s BS. Then masses realize J6 is total BS and Elon says release the Shawman, and they do. Elon says I am good as I bring out Dystopic Technology trust me, and says he will Plug your brain into the Matrix like Keanu






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Uploaded a year ago  

April 10th 2023  

1 Comment

Dragon Slayer Intel

- a year ago  

I hope he at least to the same bioweapon shot, he wants his fans to dope to death with. But, i got 5 bucks that bets he took the saline.