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Johnny and Joe time



Science & Technology : The Next and Greatest Discovery is very very Old

This article is for those with an IQ of 165 and more Did you know that a record player simply plays vibrations cast in soft plastic that has hardened? If you make any noise near soft soft plastic it will imprint your voice that can easily be replayed through interpretation. Now we understand vibration and sound, let us ponder the wonders of what we can extrapolate. This means that everything that can possibly hold an imprint of vibration, has in fact sound recordings of what went on around it. This means through minor interpretation we can Play back the exact sound of a meteor hitting the moon based on the crater and all its dimensions. This means we can get the exact sound around Lava when it hardened. This means we can get the sound around Sand, Soft earth, Sap, Salt when they hardened. This means there are real recordings available from 100s, 1000s, and millions of years ago, maybe Billions and Billions. If the Moon reflects rays from the sun, then all stars are also reflecting to us. A quantity of stars in an Array that reflect and deflect to us, act much like a large array of telescopes. The depth of space that we are receiving concentrated reflection from an array of celestial objects is in the Trillions and Trillions of miles. In 1960 prior to any release of Einstein’s writings other than Energy, I theorized that only the densest hardest substance could house within itself, what we call Nothing. So small a space that theoretically nothing physical can exist in the walls of the Diamond. All the matter in a single point is actually nothing, invisible yet infinite in mass, My friend called it Joel’s theory of Nothing. Einstein came out years later and called it The Black Hole. Did you know the dynamic link that you execute within text that drives so much on every device on the planet was created by me. Bill Gates team said they loved my concept so much they used it to create Windows 98 Into the Internet and beyond.






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December 12th 2021  

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