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Johnny and Joe time



Exemption…One Brave Man Stands Up to Genocidal Maniacs…Where are all our other heroes and leaders…Hidin with Biden? Being white, Novak is not entitled to anti viral pills. Instagram has videos of fat pop stars who promote Covid safety with masks. Maybe fat people should be refused food to stop over usage of the hospital system. Pictures of fat people on buses will allow thin people, to attack these terrible humans. Maybe smokers should not get healthcare and should be jailed when smoking in public, killing others with second hand smoke. Drug addicts are given free drugs, maybe their faces should be on busses so we can attack them. Pictures of diabetics putting sugar in coffee should help us identify these evil shits. Any anti thinners should be in camps, refused care, are massaganists and criminals. People that refuse to use Fax machines are anti faxers and should be hit in public. People that fart without bags are the devil and must be in camps now and beheaded. People that say stupid thing must be eliminated now. People over 200 pounds must be taken out of society obviously. Too short people are inhuman and must be mandated off the street. Women with fake breasts are to be refused work now. Ugly women must be eradicated by mandate. Only hot chicks can have man dates. If you crap twice a day you are a threat to climate change how dare you live. Wake Up to what is going on Divide, Deconstruction and destroy our great Society Novak will always “Do the Right thing” Spike Lee always seems to “do the Wrong thing.” True dat






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January 4th 2022  

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