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Johnny and Joe time



The First Rule of Fact Club is WHATEVER IS BEING Fact Checked is always a FACT The second rule of Fact Club is whatever is being Fact Checked is always a FACT STOP IT ITs a big club and you aren’t in it. Let me explain Before Fact Checking one would produce an article with information to be reviewed, verified and attempt to explain the opposing viewpoint which we called RESEARCH. We did not call it Fact Checking. The Military and NIH now produce documents specifically saying “Do NO RESEARCH”. So, they replaced RESEARCH with Fact Checking. Some would have called Research “Science” but now the Scientists do not produce research but say they are Science and do what they Say, without Evidence and Research which they are commanded Not to do by the Military. Recall Pfizer saying we did NO RESEARCH on the spread of the Virus. If they were asked the same question about the Virus effects I guarantee she would have laughed and said they have NO RESEARCH on that either but mysteriously he did not have that follow up question, yet. Recall that all Pfizer whistle Blowers said the study and Research was completely flawed and useless, ie NO RESEARCH by people that certainly know what research is and how to do it and how Not to do it. All members of this club are falling back on the defence that the Military said DO NO RESEARCH, just Inject. If anyone can prove me wrong on what I am saying I welcome it. But this is the Overriding truth of Everything going on and this is what has to be the number one discussion in Government, Military, University, Science, Media, Alternative media. Explain “Do NO Research” I have asked the DOD for clarification on who wrote this and what it means and I received no answer. Pose this question Everywhere all the time It will lead to the Solution to this Mess






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April 4th 2023  

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