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King Nosmo



Facts against Lies... What's happened... A Summary... Dr Vernon Coleman

  - 16:54

We are living in a time ruled by lies and liars... Totalitarian new laws... Countries turned into totalitarian states... Power and money grab... they will keep-on lying... to control our lives... (but now they *must* keep-on lying... to protect their own lives... ) how many coincidences make a conspiracy?... Nosmo. mirrored from Dr. VernonColeman: "Zombie Apocalypse (The Covid Fraud Summarised in under 17 Minutes)" If this strikes a chord... you can find my other key videos here ...Nosmo:






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March 29th 2021  

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Category: News



- 3 years ago  

Agenda21 is the blueprint for global totalitarianism which is there in black and white for all to see ... but few bother to actually read it and even fewer seem to see it for what it really is. There has been a brainwashing and general dumbing down operation in place in alp levels of our educational systems, all media, goverments and corporations since at least the 1950's. This generational propagandising runs very deep and is nigh on impossible to overcome even with factual data and scientific papers. We are in the dangerous age where emotion triumphs reason. Where hurt feelings are seen as more important than unpalatable, cold hard truth. So try to remember this when confronted with a zombie snowflake or an angry, outraged and demented sjw. Cut them a little slack. Then, grasping your spade firmly in both hands, do the only humane thing you can to end their suffering .... 😉


- 3 years ago  

911 proved the BBC is fully owned and controlled by the Israeli Mossad. The Scamdemic continues, being run by mggalomaniac psychopaths and their career fearful psychotic imbeciles in Government and the MSM.


- 3 years ago  

The bewildering thing is Doctor Coleman is that many whom one knows, family, friends, co-workers, other aquaintences would rather listen to strangers in media, bureaucracy, politicians, special interests, and believe them, than they would listen to those who known, love them and or are their friends who take time to learn more about all of this bull💩 and want to share this info with them. It saddens me and makes me so bewildered.


- 3 years ago  

There is no shortage of brainwashed retards in our society, the kind of people who believe crap like Darwinian macroevolution, global warming/climate change, the Jew holohoax, 19 arab hijackers did 911, the ''mystery'' of MH370 and so on.