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Category: How To & Education
- 2 years ago  
Get active, time to target elitist’s , make a hit list , turn miliatia loose
- 2 years ago  
- 2 years ago is not a major military site. It's a hokey speculation site not affiliated with anyone or anything of relevance. It has been making numerous and always false allegations since it's founding in 2012. Stop falling for all this bullshit folks.... Use your head and fact check for yourself folks. This is more internet and social media bull shit.
- 2 years ago  
MORON there are more than one YOUR TO DUMB TO REPRODUCE.....
Anti Illuminati
- 2 years ago  
The fact that you are just coming to understand this now, is the reason why Humanity is in this mess. People like me have been studying the affects of the Illuminati in American society for over 20 years. The Georgia Guide stones are(were) very clear on what their idea is for human population. 500 Million. The only reason I sound irritated right now, is because I have been trying to warn people all this time. Long before Google censorship, Facebook, Twiiter, etc. What have ai gotten in return. Hostility, Punched in the face, Called a conspiracy theorist, Tin foil hat wearing dummy, Anti-American, And the list goes on. Now, this past couple of years, a lot of the research I have done is surfacing and these global tyrants are being exposed for who they are, as everyone acts like this is all new information and they are the only ones that 'get it'. Well, it's too late now people. You should have listened. Mankind is doomed. All the agendas have been carefully orchestrated and there isn't much left for them to do now but kill us all off. With the help of this manufactured death sentence that if it doesn't kill you, it will sterilize you and assimilate you into their new 5g A.I. system so you can be tracked for the rest of your life. (The nano tech they used in the 'jab' has a chip that gives out a MAC address... Like for a computer. This is the Mark of the Beast as described in the Book of Revelation. (And anyone not receiving the mark will not be able to buy or sell in the Mammon system). God is real. Satan is real. This is very real, and billions of people fell for it, just like the Bible said would happen. Repent and be saved.
- 3 years ago  
Thank you for showing this very much appreciated may you stay blessed 🙂 your a hero to the world for sharing this to the world.
- 3 years ago  
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Anti Illuminati
- 3 years ago  
Georgia Guidestones... Reduce the Population to 500 million. Chiseled in 10 languages on the stones. Still a Legend, who, and how it was erected in later part of the 1900's. Has 9 other 'rules'. Kinda like the New Age 10 commandments. Sounds great, but in fact, is sinister. The Illuminati are real folks. Been around a long time. N.W.O. comes in stages. The attack on America, the country started in the 1920's with the insertion of the Unconstitutional Federal Reserve. Then the Strawman Account. The 'Unpatriot Act'. NASA. CIA. All part of the machine. Hitler said, 'Tell a lie enough and people will believe you'. This is aparant in what we see going on. We have been shown signs and wonders... They mimick the True Creator with Abomination that causes Desolation, seeking to Glorify themselves. This is the Truth. You are evil, until you CHOOSE to be GOOD. Time is Short. -4th Seal - Pestilence, Famine, Then Death. Open your Heart to Christ. Be saved. 🙏✌️🖖
- 3 years ago  
I don’t see this on the website. There is a list of countries but when you click on a country there is no 2025 forecast.
- 2 years ago  
They removed it B and Post it here ut found it on a "way back" kind of site. I will fin
- 3 years ago  
They are planning massive population decrease....these are evil psychopaths.
- 3 years ago  
The plan is to decrease the human population by roughly 80% globally and eradicate 100% of Whites. went global in the West in 1970, the same year that total communist control of education systems was ensured throughout the Western world. 50 years of communist subversion has done its job. The present day crap is absolutely by design and and Marxist communism Mk.II will be far worse than Mk. I. Bring it on I say. Start The Great Cull, there is way too much stupid in the world today.
- 3 years ago  
Ever since the guy that started died the site has been compromised..
Jeff Said
- 3 years ago  
Not finding this on
Zero Bubble
- 3 years ago  
On viewing this again, the figures look like outcome (i.e. "drop to") figures because of things like people per square kilometre, GDP, "Purchase Power Parity", etc., and the arrows represent the direction of change. Those other paramaters (apart from population) would not make sense if they represented amount of decrease, but only make sense as resultant outcomes. So, they predicted Australia to fall from 23 million in 2017 to 15 million in 2025, with roughly one third GDP (two thirds GDP reduction), halving purchasing power of individuals, etc. This seems to be premised on what China is doing combined with UN push for global communism and the lunacy that comes from the AGW academia screaming about economic collapses due to climate change, all of the propaganda nonsense being managed through the sons of hell, as usual.
- 3 years ago  
So you haven't considered the recent Covid injection deaths then?
Zero Bubble
- 3 years ago  
The problem is that if the figures are "drop by" such and such million for the nation, say, UK, dropping by 15 million, then the global figures shown to the right would be expected to indicate the same parameter and that would mean a global drop BY 6.9 billion (leaving 500 million, like the "Guidstones" indicate) but if the figures are "drop to" such and such million, say UK dropping to 15 million, then the global one should be indicating a drop TO 6.9 billion, thus a global drop of 500 million (down 6.8% from 7.4 billion). Alternatively they are jumbling the two methods, using "drop to" for the countries and "drop by" for the global figures to the right, to trick people and still match the Georgia "Guidestones" masonic insanity. Anyone else have any ideas on this?
Zero Bubble
- 3 years ago  
I am not sure if the figures with the downward arrow are "drop by" or "drop to". If they are "drop by" figures then they predicted a 6.8% drop of global population from 2017 to 2025 (from 7.4 billion to 6.9 billion, a decrease of 500 million) but if they are "drop to" figures then they line up with the Georgia Guidstones psychotic insanity of the global population being set to 500 million.
- 3 years ago  
Kevin Mora
- 3 years ago  
This is what is happening right now
- 3 years ago  
Well, I'll pray for them, but don't give up the fight !
- 3 years ago  
they took it down...No longer choice of 2025
- 3 years ago  
The population figures are reduction BY not reduction TO ... USA down BY 100M to 227M. Still, that's a hell of a reduction .... Better wise up, the greedy, self appointed 'elites' have no conscience when it comes to getting rid of us useless eaters so that there's more of OUR resources left for them. July 2021, UK enters continuation of 16 month lock down due to Indian variant. Its time to say enough is enough, we will no longer comply.
- 3 years ago  
Yep! They're trying everything. There is no time left to get out of harms way. Make whatever you do count, it's been rolled out.
- 3 years ago  
I moved to the desert, where it's got water and far the road below eye sight under trees. I wish I started sooner.
- 3 years ago  
False flags have been ignored , thats why this game is still on .
- 3 years ago  
The bible says if God does not shorten the time there would be no flesh left tp save...