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I'm Losing Patience with The Covid Zombies! | Dr. Vernon Coleman

  - 25:47

@DrVernonColeman on BrandNewTube






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Uploaded 3 years ago  

May 23rd 2021  

File Size: 46 MB

Category: Health And Wellness

1 Comment

Destroy the WEF!

- 3 years ago  

Let me add another warning from Germany. In our own large hospital in northern Germany we never had a time since the start of this whole scamdemic, when we were overwhelmed by COVID-19 patients. There were always some real bad cases we had to treat, and initially one year ago everybody treated them the wrong way by giving them invasive ventilation, because we were told that COVID-19 was some form of atypical pneumonia. It is not! The Spike-proteins mess with your blood clotting ­-- just as Prof. Bhakdi and others predicted -- and produce profuse bleeding and blood clotting at the same time, similar to Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia (HIT). Therefore, ventilation killed a lot of the first patients. COVID-19 must be treated with the proper combination of drugs (primarily Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, Azithromycin, Budenosid), Zinc phosphate, and Vitamins C, D, E. Take these vitamins as a prophylactic, too. You might ask your politicians why they prohibited the use of the most effective and safe drugs early on. As I just said, we never had a crisis of too many COVID-19 patients at once overwhelming our hospital's capacity. But now, after the bloody "vaccinations" started -- which are experimental genetic treatments with YOU serving as a guinea pig -- we are getting flooded with patients suffering severe and often deadly side-effects from those damed mRNA-/DNA-jabs. We now get 6 - 8 new of these vaccine victims EACH DAY. Since there's not enough capacity left we now have to do triage for the first time, i.e. sorting out the older and more severe patients and turfing them to normal hospital wards without intensiv care, where they die. The catastrophe is only just starting because too many idiots won't listen and still will get the deadly jabs.