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Tranny school shooter deliberately targeted Whites

  - 1:55:03

0:00 Ben Gurion CANAL 1:09:50 Interview with Michael Yon - Ben Gurion canal would give #Israel and the USA immense power and control over sea transit - Would control energy shipments, food shipments and economic productivity of the entire region - Planned canal needs to be dug right through northern #Gaza - Northern Gaza is currently being bombed and leveled with bulldozers - The canal would be excavated using 500+ nuclear detonations to turn entire mountains into rubble - The canal would produce $10B+ in revenue for Israel each year - Israel would have naval access connecting the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea - FOLLOW THE MONEY and you know why Oct 7th was allowed to happen - 90 Israeli rabbi doctors call for bombing more Gaza hospitals - 10,000+ Palestinians are now dead, including 4,000+ children - Transgender shooter's manifesto partially released, filled with "woke" anti-white hatred - Peace groups protest #Boeing for rushing more bombs to Israel - If #Hamas were hiding in NYC, would people think it's okay to carpet bomb the entire city? - Partial interview with Michael Yon, international war correspondent, on off-grid living - Ben Gurion canal would give #Israel and the USA immense power and control over sea transit - Would control energy shipments, food shipments and economic productivity of the entire region - Planned canal needs to be dug right through northern #Gaza - Northern Gaza is currently being bombed and leveled with bulldozers - The canal would be excavated using 500+ nuclear detonations to turn entire mountains into rubble - The canal would produce $10B+ in revenue for Israel each year - Israel would have naval access connecting the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea - FOLLOW THE MONEY and you know why Oct 7th was allowed to happen - 90 Israeli rabbi doctors call for bombing more Gaza hospitals - 10,000+ Palestinians are now dead, including 4,000+ children - Transgender shooter's manifesto partially released, fille






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November 7th 2023  

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