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The Shrewd Dudes Podcast



Thousands of Health Care Workers are being Terminated, This will only Make things WORSE!

  - 10:53






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Uploaded 3 years ago  

September 29th 2021  

File Size: 192 MB

Category: News


Barbarossa 296

- 3 years ago  

The “Jab” is population control in every sense of the term. It has two functions – to reduce the subject population and to tag every member of that subject population. With the first injection, the subject is permanently sterilized – so no more children for the “vaccinated”. With the first injection and with every subsequent booster (of a never ending series), the subject’s immune system is eventually degraded to the point that even minor illnesses become fatal. With the first injection, a microchip is inserted into the subject that, with the use of 5G technology, the subject’s identity, location, and vital signs are tracked in real time. In other words, people are digitally tagged like cattle. Thus, the ultimate purpose of the “vaccination” in Western countries is genocide. Those members of the subject population who refuse “vaccination” are to be blamed for the rapidly increasing mortality of the “vaccinated” population and shall be forcibly put into “quarantine” camps where, at best, they’ll be “reeducated” until they voluntarily accept the “jab”. At worse, they’ll be forcibly injected with the “vaccine”. Genocide is nothing new to our cultural Marxist/Globalist (rebranded Communist) elite. Indeed, they would make their heroes Lenin, Stalin, Mao, et al (who together, murdered an estimated 120 million people during the 20th Century) very proud!

Destroy the WEF!

- 3 years ago  

As a frontline ICU worker in Germany I can tell you that we are indeed getting overwhelmed now. We have to do triage since the fucking "vaccinations" started. Our current record is 14 new patients taken in on one day, all fully vaxxed with the same batch number, all dead within 24 hours of admission to ICU, despite receiving the best available intensive care in our maximum care facility. On my last nightshift we took in a 18yo girl who suffered a massive transmural myocardial infarction while having sex with her boyfriend. He immediately called for an ambulance and initiated CPR and she arrived on our ICU, barely alive. A whole team worked on her trying to stabilize her. We even put her on ECMO as a last ditch effort. All to no avail b/c all standard emergency interventions didn't work. Of course this poor soul was also fully vaxxed. Mostly we get STEMIs, SVTs, LAEs and >90% don't make it b/c of the massive damage they suffered from those killer jabs. Also we have many former tumor patients where the cancer comes roaring back, killing them within weeks of getting the jabs. Politics, medical autorities and regulatory agencies don't give a shit, most of these deaths never get reported, so that their MSM whores can keep peddling their daily "safe and effective" propaganda BS. Only God (and probably Satan) knows what kind of longterm effects we're going to see from the prion-like domain expressed on the recombinant S-proteins produced by those shots. There could be a tsunami of Alzheimer's and Creutzfeldt-Jakob cases heading our way, both deadly and without any viable treatments. This is the worst and almost silent global genocide one could imagine b/c the majority of the population here has no clue about what's going on. If you try to warn people they'll turn on you and rat you out to get you fired.