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Gimbalsaw's House Of Info



Some of the Snow falling in TEXAS IS FAKE!

  - 3:29

I didn't save all of the videos from random people talking about this, this is just what I could download. They were being shown in the middle of the night on the FYP. Now they are hard to find. That says a lot right there.






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Uploaded 3 years ago  

February 18th 2021  

File Size: 62 MB

Category: News



- 2 years ago  



- 3 years ago  

at 1 : 08 you can clearly see a metal handle riveted to the bowl duh


- 3 years ago  

I cannot believe how stupid this is. Using a butane match to try and melt snow and it turns black. That soot idiot. Trying to melt snow in the microwave using a metal pan. That is really stupid. I'm amazed that the microwave didn't launch itself. What don't these snowflakes understand about snow. Move to Canada and get an education in the "science" of snow.

Fuck you idiot.. I am posting others videos. It is not just them getting carbon in the snow from butane you ass.. one guy is putting it on a stove top.. I don't give a flying fuck what an asshole like you thinks. I post videos for conversation and information.. Go fuck yourself..

P.S. At no point did he say, nor show himself putting a metal pan in the microwave.. More and more videos coming put. People putting blocks of it in bon fires without them melting. I don't know how much is normal, and how much is not.. But their are a fuck ton of people talking about weird snow.. Blow it out your ass if you don't like someone sharing information for others to think about for themselves.


- 3 years ago  

i agree with digger337 -- read a science book

And I agree with myself, go fuck yourself. Even more videos coming out.. I put the information up, people can make up their own minds.. Get back to your beer.. Dipshit


- 3 years ago  

Wow! Your as dumb as a box of rocks. Snow does that sort of thing. It picks up particals of dust from the atmosphere which can contain bugs, plants,spores and pollutants, which can contain metals. White powder is frost, It will melt but now may contain windshield washer chemicals. Get off the computer and play with snow like most older people have done when they were young and you'll find al kinds of amazing things about ice and snow. The navy once built an aircraft carrier out of ice and floated it into warm waters and it didn't immediately melt.

Fuck you idiot.. I am posting others videos. It is not just them getting carbon in the snow from butane you ass.. one guy is putting it on a stove top.. I don't give a flying fuck what an asshole like you thinks. I post videos for conversation and information.. Go fuck yourself..


- 3 years ago  

Is this what they did after they launch so many rockets the last few weeks? They sent a machine to make storm or fake storm from outside the planet to wherever they want to destroy especially Texas.

Look at China talking about controlling the weather by 2025.. They say they will have 5.5 million Sq KM covered .. It is hard to say, but this is being censored.. so... I post


- 3 years ago  

Yeah HAARP & weather modification is realdeal science——is it crazy to think that a country engaging in “unrestricted” warfare with, not only US, but the westernized world


- 3 years ago  

Aluminum and other heavy metals (via chem trails)