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  - 27:52

Sourced of - The HighWire with Del Bigtree - -- Dr. Peter McCullough, joins the Highwire again, this time to discuss the serious problem with the efficacy of the #Covid19 vaccines and how mass vaccination is creating this runaway train of a pandemic. #PeterMcCullough #VaccineEfficacy #DeltaVariant #PCRTesting #NaturalImmunity #TheHighwire #DelBigtree #HW225






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July 24th 2021  

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Category: News



- 3 years ago  

A little bit dissappointed in Del and Dr. McCollough, concerning Dr. Van Bosch, his concern was when the vaccinated came in contact with the wild seasonal flu that we seem to have forgotten or doesn't seem to coveniently exist anymore. The brainwashing never ceases.


- 3 years ago  

Hi IDeclineConsent , i wished i had something better , Big D & McCollough were to easy on it for my liking, as you said it is lacking in bite , Van Bosch`s points seem to be not given the validity it deserves . Yet today i got one in of australia 141 in hospital with cv - 1 person of it had 1 dose of vax the others double jabbed . So maybe the floodgates start to open after all stay safe Fredy


- 3 years ago  

If there is no test for the original virus, which has never been isolated from a sample from a human with symptoms of covid-19 (it has to be remembered that covid-19 is a constellation of symptoms and not the virus) then by extension there is no test for any variant, and this is all more political garbage geared towards maintaining control over people. We are now hearing that the flu vaccines in 2019 contained graphene oxide, which produces the same symptom complex as covid-19. This would perfectly match the fact that nearly every person that died from covid-19 was over 80 years of age and virtually no children have died from this. One only has to ask which ages of the population receive most of the flu vaccines? Obviously, the elderly and virtually no children.


- 3 years ago  

Hi MichaelAttoe , the original virus has and will never be isolated since its natural cycle is over . However by reverse approach they used the lung-fluid of infected patients , cleaned and cultured that to run a genomic sequence . By that they can read out any following variant . So it has become irrelevant that the origin was not isolated , but it is definitely to keep us in line so to say . The graphene has been used for at least the last 5 years here( australia) i don't know about it in other countries . (Gluatomine) i think is name of an agent useful to counter / remove that .The death stats are shifting to younger patients as well , but you are absolutely right that the elders died with a drastic rate , their age-weakened immune system was annihilated by this f-ing virus . The sequencing has proven that it is man-made !! This new jab is going to turn the world upside down since anyone that had it and gets a newer variant becomes a potential trigger for another mutation due to what they call a ( leaky vaccine) that crosses the blood / brain barrier and their own immune system. The follow-up jabs will make it most likely worse , i get more and more the feeling that the Georgia guide stones come into action . Kevin W. McCairn Ph.D. on YT and his own streaming platform I have ( above )found a science channel that also has a research group on a discord server and the newest data shows how the virus is attacking the ACE 2 receptors as well as protein bindings . Hope that explains it better :-)) stay safe Fredy


- 3 years ago  

FredyE: The substance to counteract the graphene oxide you're thinking about is glutathione, which is actually a supplement. Our livers actually make glutathione, but it is quickly depleted, especially in the elderly who do not make glutathione as efficiently as those younger than 65, when our bodies are having to neutralize graphene oxide. Another supplement that can be taken is n-acetylcysteine (NAC), which our bodies can use to make glutathione, but my understanding is that that has been removed from store shelves by the FDA because some bonehead made some statement that it cured covid (the FDA does not allow anyone to claim that vitamins, minerals, or any type of supplement will cure any type of disease). I have looked for glutathione in supermarkets and one health food store to no avail. I think it can only be bought online now.


- 3 years ago  

Hi MichaelAttoe , thanks for that correction with glutathione , i am shity with medication names. I got so much on and couldn't find the bookmark . I also seen the NAC option . Here a doc can get struck of for ivermectin or (hydrocloroqine) unless you are diagnosed with a illness other than covid , forget informed consent , i know more than my GP . stay safe Fredy