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Mind Blown



Quisha King aka Keisha King to Racist Elizabeth Anderson Calling Black Conservatives 'tokens'

  - 2:21

Brilliant response to the Racist Leftist referring to her as a "token person"! This is how you shut these bigots up. More info here: 'Elizabeth Andersen, a left-wing school board member in Duval County, Florida, used a racial slur to describe black conservative mothers who disagree with her agenda in a video conference with activists. The county, which is consolidated with the city of Jacksonville, has school board elections on August 23 in which Andersen’s seat is being contested. The results will be decided that evening. Andersen said, slamming the parents’ rights group Moms for Liberty, “So we have Quisha King – April Carney is my opponent – Tia Bess is another one that has a child with special needs and they often will sort of parade her out as a token person because everyone is doing harmful things to children with special needs, and that’s to push that agenda,” Andersen said, slamming the parents’ rights group Moms for Liberty.” [Emphasis added]. Andersen, who is also a mental health counselor, was speaking to Beaches Activists.'






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August 18th 2022  

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Category: Politics



- 2 years ago  

I've saying it for years. If the super negros in charge don't do something about the global plague of NIGGERISM disease they are propagating with good folks money. We'll get around to doing something about all of you. Welcome to the seven strains of CORONNA viruses engineered to erase all HUmanoid NEGROID blood from this earth regardless what color skin the negro is hideing in today. None can hide from the food they eat the water they drink the air they breath or there need for the power of god$ bread.

Mind Blown

- 2 years ago  

Oh shut the fuck up you racist inbred dipshit


- 2 years ago  

Libtards are racists