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Mind Blown



CIA Director John Brennan on Chemtrails (SAI)

  - 2:00

John Brennan (former head of the CIA) discussing discussing technologies to deal with "climate change", including "a method of seeding the stratosphere with particles to block the sun's heat, much like volcanoes do". If you call what he is talking about chemtrails you are a "Crazy conspiracy theorist!!", but if you use the terms Geoengineering and Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI) they can be openly discussed by the head of the CIA. Neat!






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August 13th 2021  

File Size: 13 MB

Category: Technology & Science



- 3 years ago  

Poisonings the worlds population of all air breathing life form's in order to push the global warming Hoaxes. As they poison a unsuspecting world population with Graphene Oxide. if you do not comply and take the mark of the beast, they will exile you from all freedom, and soon send you to termination camps. They have already poisoned the ground waters with fracking, soon we will see this poison coming out of the ground. They have built vast underground city to hide in when they are fully exposed. When the death tolls and the Lie Media can no longer hide the genocide. every day the truth is right in the sheep's face's and they roll over. I am truly Sad for the fools that live in denial.


- 3 years ago  

I heard this parasite is DEAD !

Mind Blown

- 3 years ago  

Yeah, unfortunately I don't think so, that seems to be one of those goofy Q theories, that all these bad actors are in Gitmo or have already been executed and every time we see them in public it is a "clone" or AI created computer graphics or a hologram etc. Never seen a shred of evidence of any of it. I think the "Q" folks got played unfortunately. What a brilliant psyop to get patriots to stand down and "trust the plan", etc. But I digress!


- 3 years ago  

I think these people are pure evil, no souls, don't feel anything. We need to be vigilant and think of ways to get rid of these scum.


- 3 years ago  

Mark- You have no idea of how easy it is to put a face and voice to an Avatar. your clue less. I'm not saying this is the case here, but it's very real. I have been doing it for some time in a primitive form. Only because I don't have the $$$$ for the proper processor. VR is very very real. you saw it on 911 ; )

Dragon Slayer Intel

- 3 years ago  

They have no right to decide anything !!!!!! and-------------look----------- Graphic Details On Child Murders By Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama, Mike Pence & Hundreds Others

Mind Blown

- 3 years ago  

I have no doubt that some of this type of stuff happens, but where is this guy getting all this super specific information (Mike Pence has raped 177 boys or whatever the number is)? Does someone just make it up? Anyone can make any allegation but we never hear what the sources are. I know there are very well sourced documentaries and investigative reports about child sex trafficking, government coverups etc, but this doesn't seem like one of them.