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Darkness Is Falling



The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 267 - Digital Hum!

  - 1:46:01

In this video i want to expand a bit on yet another idea that i’ve touched on before briefly, in previous messages. This has to do with the almost “subliminal” nature of messages in the Tsunami of messages now online. This is what i’m constantly looking for. It is a challenging task and takes a lot of man hours. I’m looking for the ghostly whisper in amongst the noise and chatter. It can be difficult to single out. It is like a MURMURING which an online dictionary describes as, “a soft, indistinct sound made by a person or group of people speaking quietly or at a distance and to say something in a low, soft, or indistinct voice.” I am constantly attempting to decode the murmuring in the social chatter which is akin to reading between the lines. WHY DO THIS? Well we KNOW the end goal of Satan’s plan BUT we don’t know the INCREMENTAL shifts as he rolls his plan out. I have been second guessing the Jesuit Order for 3 years now. I do this to INFORM all those who have ears to HEAR in advance of what is being planned and is coming. We KNOW Satan's ultimate goal but we have to guess his short range “Moves” and this direction is HINTED in the SM clues. God will show us IF we are listening and watching very carefully. Satan MUST tell us under God’s RULES BUT he does it CRYPTICALLY and it is up to us to DECIPHER his messages. Learn more at: How To Get Born Again and Become A Child of God! Following Jesus Christ & Counting the Cost! The Holy Spirit The Roman Catholic “Mark Of The Beast” The Jesuit Vatican New Age Deception Rumble - Darkness Is Falling Video Series






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February 6th 2023  

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Category: How To & Education


Revelation of Grace

- 2 years ago  

I too wondered about this rapture thing. I am not sure where people are getting this, but scripture makes it clear that Jesus does not gather up his elect until he returns. Prior to this his children will be given up to the afflicted and killed. This is shown in Mathew 24:9 and Mathew 24:31. I personally would not associate the beautiful sound God gave the Starlings to mumurs, murmurings are quite different wouldn't you say? However I do get the point that you were making. I would use the word subtle, words embedded into something Satanic.

Darkness Is Falling

- 2 years ago  

Hi ROG! Great to hear from you. You are absolutely correct. There is only 1 "Day of the Lord" NOT 2. I did a Video No.38 titled, "Jesuit Preterist and Futurist Doctrines In False Dispensational Methodology." This will help you understand the source of the false "rapture" doctrine that has destroyed millions. God bless you!


- 2 years ago  

I disagree that the people of God will be destroyed : No Christian is called to lie down and die, we are called to be fight as soldiers of Christ and fight the good fight to the end : yes, many of us will be martyred but not all --- [KJV 1611] Dan 11:32 And such as doe wickedly against the couenant, shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God, shall be strong and doe exploits. --- [KJV 1611] Dan 11:35 And some of them of vnderstanding shall fall, to trie them, and to purge, and to make them white, euen to the time of the end: because it is yet for a time appointed. --- [KJV 1611] Dan 11:36 And the king shall doe according to his will, and he shall exalt himselfe, and magnifie himselfe aboue euery god, and shall speake marueilous things against the God of gods, & shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined, shall be done. ++++ AND Christians will be ALIVE when the Lord returns - its for our sake the tribulation is being cut short lest we all perish +++ [KJV 1611] Mat 24:21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor euer shall be. --- [KJV 1611] Mat 24:22 And except those dayes should be shortned, there should no flesh be saued: but for the elects sake, those dayes shall be shortned.

Darkness Is Falling

- 2 years ago  

Hi Josh! No one wants to die and neither do any Christians. We aren't to be led astray by what WE want but by what God has appointed for us. Yes, we are to fight the good fight but that means STANDING firm in Faith and NOT giving in to temptation. It's spiritual warfare. That doesn't mean "physical" resistance. NO true Christian has ever physically fought his enemies. No one in the early congregation did. Jesus didn't nor did Paul or Stephen or anyone. They were ALL martyred at one point or another. We are not to resist our enemies. That is clear in Matthew 5. The Beast will conquer (kill) all God's people before this tribulation is finished. This killing has been going on for 2000 years. "Flesh saved" means people saved = Born Again. The Gr: word is Sozo meaning "ensured salvation." It doesn't mean Christians will be alive bodily when Christ returns. All scripture read in context indicates that the final Beast will kill off all believers and eliminate Faith from the Earth. Total darkness on Earth prior to Jesus return. Q: How can the "unmarked" live in the Beast's Kingdom IF they can't buy or sell? A: they can't! The scripture says this in Rev 13:7& 17. Also Rev11:7 makes it clear that the Word of God and the Bride of Christ who are the 2 witnesses will be KILLED by the Beast. The 2 witnesses are symbolic of the Bible and God's people. I have spoken of this in many video messages. You'll have to make up your own mind BUT the scriptures in totality are clear. Rev 6:9-11


- 2 years ago  

Alan Lamont - Pre-tribulation Rapture. A lie Created By The Jesuits :


- 2 years ago  

Hi William, I thought you might find this small article of some interest. It demonstrates how the vaccines are nothing more than sorcery and divination, taken to a higher level. It's awesome to be able to see and hear what is happening - but at the same time, I am constantly gobsmacked at how few that number appears to be. Thank-you for all that you do, William. I have been a subscriber for years now. You are one of my very few go-to for Truth channels, Cheers.

Darkness Is Falling

- 2 years ago  

Hi Bennett! Great to hear from you! I hope all is well. Thanks so much for sharing the link. I can find no fault with it. I may present this in its entirety in an upcoming video. It may be too late for most BUT it may benefit some. That is my hope. The great thing is the summarization of complex idea which most people might find difficult to understand. It is only a "remnant" that will hear and obey. Give thanks to God that YOU are in that remnant. Stand strong in Faith toward the Lord Jesus Christ. Your reward will be great. God bless you!


- 2 years ago  

I recently came across a very clear film of President Kennedy's assassination - and documented for those who do not know that the car driver delivered the fatal second death shot to kill the last great man who had the courage to fight the Catholic Beast --- ASSASSINATION - CAR DRIVER KILLED JFK.pdf

Darkness Is Falling

- 2 years ago  

Hi Josh! Thanks for sharing this. It appears to have been removed or deleted from Archives. I totally agree. I've seen the unedited Zapruder film in slow motion. Jacquie, the driver and at least 2 shooters from a distance hit JFK. He didn't stand a chance. His own tranny wife betrayed him.


- 2 years ago  

William, Johua777, and others: I located the .PDF document, and replaced the empty spaces in the url with underscores to render the link clickable, or browsing the following directory, and clicking the link will also yield the content sought after. Re-uploaded here: or here:

Darkness Is Falling

- 2 years ago  

Hi EOM! Great to hear from you! Thanks for fixing the links. Much appreciated. Too bad the pictures exclude the Jacquie shot under JFK's chin. Not all the info in this post is correct. Also the 2nd reason for the assassination isn't true. The Jesuit run CIA gave Israel "nuclear" technology." The official stories are false. It's too bad that the other 2 reasons JFK was shot aren't included. The first is, he vowed to dismantle the CIA and second, he vowed to stop the Vietnam War. These are the 3 legitimate reasons for getting himself taken out. JFK actually thought he was "President" and tried to make executive decisions. He didn't realize fully that ALL American presidents like ALL other national leaders are Jesuit controlled order takers - "puppets."




- 2 years ago  



- 2 years ago  

"Too bad the pictures exclude the Jacquie shot under JFK's chin" ???


- 2 years ago  

MARK OF THE BEAST: A network adapter (marked person) has a unique and permanent physical address. The physical address (which is sometimes called a MAC address is a number (the mark of the beast is a number - THE NUMBER OF A MAN - [do all Mark MAC addresses add up to 666?]). On a local area network, low-lying hardware-conscious protocols deliver data across the physical network using the adapter’s physical address. The network adapter of each computer listens to every transmission on the local network to determine whether a message is addressed to its own physical address (marked people are continuously connected to the beast system via WIFI). Although all networks (marked people) have a PHYSICAL Network Adapter (MAC Address). An IP address - which is software based - is used to create subnets (control groups/nations states) within the world-wide beast mark prison network system. Each subnet has it own Network ID which combines with the IP address to create the unique subnet address for the individual and individual group/nation. The bible states - THE NUMBER OF THE BEAST IS THE NUMBER OF 'A MAN' (each and every man of sin who has taken the mark to prove he or she is a man of sin and at the head of these is 'THE' MAN OF SIN[Pope]) [KJV 1611] Rev 13:18 Here is wisedome. Let him that hath vnderstanding, count THE NUMBER OF THE BEAST: for it IS THE NUMBER OF A MAN, and his number is, sixe hundred threescore and sixe.


- 2 years ago  

Thank you, very interesting. Yes I do believe there is a subtile noise of the devil behind the loudness of the fake news.

Darkness Is Falling

- 2 years ago  

Hi Rose! Great to hear from you. I hope that you have the peace and joy of Christ in your heart. God bless you and keep you.