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Darkness Is Falling



The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 231 - Monkey Business!

  - 1:44:09

This brings us to the present moment where we SEE and HEAR in the MSM News about the rise of the Monkey Pox MYTH. That’s what it is folks. A MYTH! Like the DARK KNIGHT rising! Just like all the previous FICTITIOUS Virus Variants. Monkey Pox is caused by AIDS, which is the internal FAILURE of the IMMUNE SYSTEM. This DIRECTLY caused by the INJECTIONS and nothing else! There is NOTHING being SPREAD from animal to person or person to person worldwide. We are watching the ERUPTION of SKIN and OTHER BODILY conditions CAUSED by the INJECTIONS. This will INCREASE and be blamed on the FICTITIOUS re-emergence of Monkey Pox which is somehow related to Small Pox and all the other POX family members. An online encyclopedia lists 29 different kinds of POX from Chicken Pox to Goat Pox to Monkey Pox. ALL animals! Can you see how they keep the disease spreading from animals to humans FICTION alive except for SMALL POX! ALL the POX’S are named after animals. Very conveniently, MONKEY POX equals a double 66 when you add up the numerical value of the letters in the 2 words. Coincidence? No way! In addition the word Monkey has 6 letters and Pox has 3 which equals 6 x 3 giving us a perfect 666! Coincidence? No sir! All planned! Learn more at: How To Get Born Again and Become A Child of God! Following Jesus Christ & Counting the Cost! The Holy Spirit The Roman Catholic “Mark Of The Beast” The Jesuit Vatican New Age Deception The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire Video Series - Nine Pages - 244 Videos Face Book - Darkness Is Falling Video Series






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June 7th 2022  

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Category: How To & Education



- 2 years ago  

Hi Orinoco! Great response to "Endofmankind." I'm so glad that these messages are helping you! Thank God that your eyes are fully opened. Thank you for your prayers also. So great and needed every day. God bless you and i hope to contact again soon.


- 2 years ago  

Hi Mr. William! I couldn't find your updates to Rumble. Luckily I found you through Facebook and finally here! I just wanted to share something to the congregation. In the morning of 8 June 2022, I had a dream, seeing Mandela changes to all the test paper questions I just finished at school, and then all our answers become void. As the dream finished I opened my eyes. The first thing I did was to open the world map to see if it had changed again, since I read that CERN is powering up their machine in June. In fact I see something. These are the changes to the world map I noticed. I have confirmed this observation with another un-v-ed Christian. 1. Greenland has become a part of Denmark and its national flag has changed from a green lion with white background to a Pokemon ball flag. 2. There are some scattered new islands above Russia. 3. US now has a chain of small isles connecting directly to Russia. 4. Russia now has a chain of small isles connecting directly to Japan. 5. Japan now has a chain of small isles connecting directly to Taiwan. 6. The African continent has drawn up closer to Europe. 7. Australia has moved further up north. 8. There are many more small isles to the north of Canada, expanding its map to the north in a region called Nunavut, which speaks Inuinnaqtun as their official language, and is totally unheard of prior to this date. A search of the region on shows no rental listing and only a listing of "Service for 6 - Morning Star silverware selling 6 dinner knives, 6 dinner forks, 6 dessert fork, 6 tablespoons and 6 tea spoons", and on Google images showing mockery road signs named as "Road to Nowhere", and on Reddit and other social media showing multiple 6 comments each made 6 years ago. Quebec of Canada has become disproportionally large. There is a large Hudson Bay unseen of before. 9. The south west corner of the US map has become eaten up by Mexico. I do not know what to make of this. But since I received this dream and discovered this change, I believe I should share it. Thanks and God bless! iii244

Darkness Is Falling

- 2 years ago  

Hi iii244! It's possible that the Rumble channel is finished. I don't control it. Something may have happened to the account holder. At this moment it's uncertain. It's possible that no more videos will be uploaded to "That" Rumble channel. I may have to start my own IF it really has stopped. Thanks for sharing your dream and all this info on CERN and mapping. I don't know what to make of it. Personally i suspect CERN is one giant Jesuit pseudo-science "distraction" away from the MOTB program, which many people have fallen for sadly. Nevertheless i retain an open mind and will look into what you have described. Please keep in touch and keep a lookout for a "possible" new Rumble channel for DIF over the next few weeks. God bless you richly!


- 2 years ago  

Hi Mr William! Am glad to hear your updates! Back in my mind, I correlated this to these verses in Genesis 11:6-8 KJV: "And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech. 8 So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city." I was thinking they are trying to re-join all the continents and people into one to finish the one world order. But as you have stated and I agreed, that the one world order has long been here, with each country being a province to Rome - then I could draw three possible deductions from this: 1. This might be what will happen after the real congregation are martyred (because in Revelation 6:14, KJV: it was mentioned that “every mountain and island were moved out of their places”, so we know somehow the landscape will see alterations, possibly by satan’s minions first then by God during the final judgment); or 2. this is just a distraction such that many would anticipate a future end while this is already the very end as 6B people are marked, or 3. the v + the CERN can sync memories in human minds to the new realities, because from what I checked, the un-v-ed still remember the old. These are just my thoughts for now. I think the MOTB program is the final deal, as once a person is marked, nothing else is relevant - they are just doomed for eternity. I tested it with a few friends, and confirmed that the marked will emit bluetooth signals when scanned with older Android operating systems. There is no more doubt for me that the v is the mark. You have pointed this out as early as in 2020. You know these things very early on so I trust your analysis more than mine. Thanks and God bless! I have shared your videos and prayed for the congregation. iii244

Darkness Is Falling

- 2 years ago  

Hi iii224! Your idea is certainly interesting! After all, they have succeeded in modifying the weather to a large degree. Whether they would be able to do this with actual geography ie; land and sea, i don't know. However the opening of the 6th Seal with events described in Rev 6:12-17 is talking about the Day of the Lord and the events on that particular day, especially verse 14. I do believe that God himself is going to re-arrange the furniture in a big way at that time. Your possibility No.3 may hold some truth. The Jesuit science cabal have technological capabilities far beyond what they have revealed. The "Levitating" TR3B flying triangles are a case in point. Who knows exactly what evil machinations they are up to. The v'd emitting blue tooth signals is very real although the reasons are not clear to me. Tracking and tracing is already 100% possible using IP addresses and cell triangulation. Connection to Block Chain for Buying and Selling will happen by scanning the "Patch" IMPLANT. Blue Tooth is only good for very short range so i don't see the need for it except maybe to to hook up to a cell phone or lap top device for reasons that remain unclear to me. There is a lot of "hype" over 5G which is unhelpful as this technology is short wave length and useful only in a densely populated urban environment where populations can be corralled. I still believe the "cell" phone plays a far greater part in this "connect and control" scenario than many people suspect. That's why they have worked so hard to put a phone in the hands of even the poor. Just my thoughts. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I only know what i know because God showed me NOT because i;m a clever guesser. Only God has opened my eyes up to what the Jesuit Order have been and are doing today. Thanks for sharing the messages and for your prayers, Much needed at this time as the pressure increases. God bless you richly!


- 2 years ago  

Oh yes, I have read the patent paper regarding USWO060606. I see the blockchain application to buying & selling + vaccine patch. That thing definitely fulfils Rev 13:16-18. And from my observation with many ATMs going down nowadays (mainstream news don't even report) + random un-warned removal of cash deposit or withdrawl functions + requiring apps to withdraw cash at newly developed ATMs + all-in-one apps combining banking, facial recognition, v-pass and etc, I feel like it only takes one or two more plandemic waves to completely rule out cash with the new digital currency as their replacement. When that day comes, even when that's not the Day of the Lord, it's already the end day for Christians, since we probably won't even be able to pay for internet or electricity anymore. Even so, the day of redemption draws nigh, so I am looking towards it. May everyone stay on this narrow path. God bless! iii244


- 2 years ago  

Another great edition of your series, Brother William. So glad I found your content online - and that I FULLY understand it. Cuts out all the lying noise out there, especially from self-deceived people who still accept the media's lies over 2 years later and are still taking the Mark of the Beast - deluding themselves that there is a future for them in Satan's Antichrist kingdom. People who have only skimmed the surface and not looked into the deepest implications of the time in history we are living in, precarious day by precarious day. My eyes are fully opened. Thank God! I really appreciate all your work, as always. And I pray for your safety, and those of all brethren in Christ who are holding steadfast to God's eternal truth in this tribulation.

Darkness Is Falling

- 2 years ago  

Hi Orinoco! Great response to "Endofmankind." I'm so glad that these messages are helping you! Thank God that your eyes are fully opened. Thank you for your prayers also. So great and needed every day. God bless you and i hope to contact again soon.


- 2 years ago  

I don't know what to do anymore, William. I am now the epitome of video number 153 - "Testimony!" The Biblical Lord Jesus Christ must be furiously angry with me. I have besought the Lord God earnestly, and nothing more than increased unleashing of calamity upon me occurs. I am unsure if this is chastisement, punishment for sins/crimes against the most high, or the forces of darkness' concerted effort to dissuade me.


- 2 years ago  

I will pray for you brother! Please do not give up. Satan and his demonic host are all defeated enemies by our Lord Jesus Christ. Hold fast to Him no matter what and wait on Jesus to deliver you. Do not be deceived by the traps of our adversary. You are more than a conqueror in Christ!

Darkness Is Falling

- 2 years ago  

I'm sorry to hear of your trials. I can only ADD this to Orinoco's excellent response. If you are Born Again and serving God with ALL your heart, soul, mind and strength and you have forsaken ALL sin then you are under Satanic attack. I encourage you to stand up in "authority" and in Jesus name REBUKE "Verbally" out loud the Devil and break his power over your life. Do this in FAITH 100 times a day if you need to. You are a child of God and Jesus has given you all power over Satan and his minions. Luke 10:19, "Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you." Those are Jesus words. Take them deep into your heart and believe them. Then take action and tell Satan to GO in Jesus name. IF you do have unconfessed sin in your life then confess it before God and put it under the blood of Jesus. Then get up and fight back in Jesus all powerful name. If you are not sure about SIN then please watch my Video No.124 titled, "Is It Sin?" This will help answer questions you may have. I'm praying for you that God will strengthen you and help you rise up victoriously over these assaults coming against you. Let me assure you that God "LOVES YOU" more than you could ever imagine. The Bible says so. Believe his Word with all your heart! You are indeed MORE than a CONQUEROR in Christ!


- 2 years ago  

Thank you and God bless you too.

Darkness Is Falling

- 2 years ago  

Hi Anna, Great to hear from you! I hope all is well with you where you are and that you are continuing to place ALL your trust and Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and NOT men! God bless you!


- 2 years ago  

William, as you said yourself nothing "is well" anywhere... Today we have a "pause" in France and, also, many organisations which have been fighting back, each one within their domain (legal, medical, political) of competence, even if they understand that the system is totaly corrupt At least poeple meet each other, work together, true information is spreading to others, trying to make barrage to the pressure of authorities. I have Faith in Lord Jesus, I trust Him and relay on Him (on myself not totally...) I owe a lot to your precious work - thank you again. Remaining in prayer, God bless you and protect you !

Darkness Is Falling

- 2 years ago  

Hi Anna Yes, you are right! All is not well! It is an expression of greeting wishing you well. It's good to see people resisting tyranny although ultimately it cannot succeed. I'm so glad to hear of your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and that the messages have helped you. "10Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. 11Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil." Ephesians 6:10-11 I'm praying for you sister. Share these truths as you are able. God bless and keep you in his care!