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Darkness Is Falling



The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 240 - Bad Comedy!

  - 1:15:36

In this video i want to do a cursory overview of the Luciferian “ATTITUDE” to Biblical truth which controls the contemporary mind. We have moved fairly quickly as a society from an attitude of RESPECT for the SACRED to a CONTEMPT for the SACRED or DIVINE. HOW did we get to this place so fast when less than 50 years ago a large majority of people embraced a Biblical ethos or morality and attended a church group of some kind? WHAT happened? Aside from the Jesuits infiltrating HUMANIST curriculums into every education system we need to look a little closer at the erosive influence and power of Masonic Culture on the entertainment industry with its obsession with SEX and in particular COMEDY! The use of COMEDY in theatre has been there for thousands of years. The Romans developed COMEDY further from Greek culture. The Greeks inherited this form of culture from Babylonian mystery religion via the Medeo-Persian empire. This kind of theatre was performed by the priests of Baal of the mystery cult to educate the public about the “Lives of the pagan gods.” These myths are kept alive from century to century through THEATRE. Hollywood began resurrecting the pagan “gods” by stealth out of “super hero” comic book culture from the 20’s and 30’s. I dealt with this subject in my Video No.135 titled, “God or gods” more than a year ago. If you haven’t watched this then i urge you to do so. Learn more at: How To Get Born Again and Become A Child of God! Following Jesus Christ & Counting the Cost! The Holy Spirit The Roman Catholic “Mark Of The Beast” The Jesuit Vatican New Age Deception






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Category: How To & Education



- 2 years ago  

Hi Brother William I am grateful for this teaching and particularly enjoyed you expounding on the Scripture in relation to modern Jesuitical entertainment . There are so many people online who see the Jesuit-Vatican Roman Catholic papacy's grand evil, but most still deny they are the biblical Antichrist. And within that group, almost all still deny the vaccine is the 'Mark Of The Beast'. I tend to automatically assume they did take it. _____________________________________________________________ It's a minefield having discussions with people about the 'Mark'. There are people who clearly know what's going on right now is unnatural and unprecedented, but they continue unabated making plans for their 'future' and 'success' as members of secular society in the fallen world as if nothing changed. It's especially worse when it's pastors and preachers misleading youth and not warning them that the working world of the future they are moulding their Christian life for, is gone. Most of them vaccinated for university entrance and international travel. I tried to explain the 'FULL' Truth of what's going on to one of the pastors and he alluded to me being mentally ill. Will try one last time tomorrow at church and see how it goes. The problem is that he is a man of academic titles, and people look up to him as a consequence and follow blindly. I try to tell the few that I can sense are ready to have the discussion, hoping they will understand. ________________________________________________________________________________ Brother William, I thank God for you and your ministry, your videos, your website. Your perseverance. Your love of God's Truth. Your charity of knowledge. Your bravery. _________________________________________________________ I GUARANTEE you, I would have never been saved and received Water Baptism if I had not totally convicted by your research and your spiritual exhortations. HALLELUJAH! I was lost and enslaved for so many years. I thought I was going to die in spiritual darkness. But I pleaded for Jesus Christ to show me the Truth 3 years ago out of a dark pit. It was not easy to accept that my old life was gone, but I saw a glimmer of light and I have kept on following it. Hacking through a vast web of lies that 'The Devil' put between me and God, even before I was born. Drawing nearer and nearer , day by day, to the Truth. As if guided by some supernatural force. I know now that it was the Holy Spirit. Stumbling almost miraculously to your channels, websites, and ministry. It was YOU, Brother Philip , who shattered the final illusion - that merely knowing that the Antichrist was the root of ALL evil was NOT enough. I would have gone back to attempting to find salvation through my own works, in futile religiosity . Never accepting the inheritance that Jesus Christ gave me on the cross 2000 years ago, and never surrendering in obedience to truly let Him into my life, for my salvation and sanctification. __________________________________________________________________________ What I am trying to say is that I was sent to you by God . I thank my Lord Jesus Christ for answering my prayer from 3 years ago, even in the darkness of faithlessness and iniquity. I am eternally grateful. I pray God sends me the spiritual gift of praying in tongues as a seal of my Baptism of the Holy Spirit. ____________________________________________________________________________ I am continually sharing your messages. I pray I have enough time to save those of my relatives who have ears to hear and understand. I pray for your endurance, safety and strength from upon high to save as many people as can be saved in these 'End Times' . I pray for all workers in your ministry to stand strong and spread far and wide to redeem the last remnant of those who still can be saved, anywhere in the world in these increasingly evil times. I pray for all viewers of this channel to stay strong in faith daily as we brace ourselves for the troubles and dangers ahead which we must endure to one day see our Lord Jesus Christ's face if we are fortunate enough to in our temporal lifetimes, as we await eternity in God's kingdom.

Darkness Is Falling

- 2 years ago  

Hi Orinoco! What a great reply! I'm so thankful that the Lord led you to the truth and that you were saved because of it. I'm praying for you that you will stand no matter what comes. What is happening in your life and mine is NO coincidence. God is at work gathering in his sheep in these last days. Be faithful brother to his call on your life and God will bless you beyond your imagination! Be bold and do whatever he shows you to do. You will never regret it. God bless you!


- 2 years ago  

One of the most incredible Christian testimonies ever recorded (a testimony of the tribulation we are entering as unmarked servants of the Lord) --- The Heavenly man:

Darkness Is Falling

- 2 years ago  

Hi Joshua! Thank you for sharing! If i get the time i will listen to it!


- 2 years ago  

Unreached countries/peoples still waiting for the gospel of peace: === The church cannot preach the gospel when the mark of the beast is in full effect and God will then send his angel to finish the job: --- [KJV 1611] Rev 14:6 And I saw another Angel flie in the midst of heauen, hauing the euerlasting Gospel, to preach vnto them that dwel on the earth, and to euery nation, and kinred, and tongue, and people,

Darkness Is Falling

- 2 years ago  

Hi Joshua! I think you misunderstand the scriptures. ALL people have been reached and many of them many times over the last 2000 years. There are NO unreached countries. This is made clear in Romans 10:18, "But I say, Have they not heard? Yes verily, their sound went into all the earth, and their words unto the ends of the world." Many generations have rejected the gospel they received previously. God is NOT responsible for "apostasy" after all these centuries. Time is up. The angel "having" the gospel is SYMBOLIC. An angel is a "messenger"from God, a "spirit." The gospel is preached by MEN not angels. How do i know this? The scripture in Romans 10:15 declares, "And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” This is Paul quoting from Isaiah 52:7. People preach the gospel to people not angels. The gospel has been preached worldwide for the last time and now time is up! Most of what people have embraced as the gospel is FALSE! They have been deceived just as Jesus warned! What i am doing in this ministry is WARNING and ENCOURAGING the REMNANT of God. Only a few will be saved from this ministry. They are the last "stragglers" that God is rounding up now. There will be NO great move of God as some are falsely teaching. That time has come and gone forever. God bless you!


- 2 years ago  

Thank you William, I was in a church here in Leicester England (its a King James bible church, they know that COVID-19 is the mark of the beast and none have taken the death shot and many have stood to testify that it is the mark of the beast). about six months ago and an elder sister in Christ came to the front and gave a word from the Lord, she revealed the Lord has shown her in a dream/vision that the, "WINDOW OF GRACE IS CLOSING?" I believe that this means that the time for us to preach the gospel to the lost is coming to an close shortly, so we should ramp up our efforts, after that there will be no more preaching in the name of Jesus Christ, so severe will be the persecution - most will lose their faith, even the unmarked - for the Lord prophesied this: [KJV 1611] Luk 18:8 ...Neuerthelesse, when the Son of man commeth, shall hee find faith on the earth? [KJV 1611] And Deu 24:16 The fathers shall not bee put to death for the children, neither shall the children be put to death for the fathers: euery man shall be put to death for his owne sinne. (Hence, all newborns/new generations still have 'the right' to hear the gospel preached to them today in all nations whatever their forfathers did). And Paul the Apostle indicates that an Angel NOT angels can preach the gospel [KJV 1611] Gal 1:8 Gal 1:8 But though we, or an Angel from heauen, preach any other Gospel vnto you, then that which wee haue preached vnto you, let him be accursed. (this may well be referring to [KJV 1611] Rev 14:6 And I saw another Angel flie in the midst of heauen, hauing the euerlasting Gospel, to preach vnto them that dwel on the earth, and to euery nation, and kinred, and tongue, and people,). Obviously this is out of our hands one way or another - but we should as you have stated so many times heed the voice of God and do all that he asks and that alone will help forfill the will of God of each of us.


- 2 years ago  

Thank you, William, for this new video.________________________ French equivalent of Fauci, prof. Delfraissy, (their mutual mail correspondence was reveiled a time ago) speaks in the same tone now. Additionnal mocquery ? Aiming sadistically at a nocebo effect on poor injected poeple ?_______________________ Mickael Yeadon said that respiratory viruses doesn't exist as it was believed, mentions Andrew Kaufmann (but not Stefan Lanka) - will the virus myth die soon for good ? Have you noticed others military provocations and tensions - China-US over Taïwan, Armenia-Azerbaijan, Serbia-Kosovo... _____________________ I found an interesting quotation from, which certainly will not be a novelty for you, but I reproduce it as follow : " Ignatius of Loyola recounts in his memoirs that he was invested by a luminous serpent which gave much consolation for this form was exceedingly beautiful, and had all sorts of things that shone like eyes. It is he who admits it through his biographers officials. It is not a rumor of a hallucinated conspirator (see the Testament of Ignatius of Loyola told by himself by Father Louis Gonzalés de Camara, chapter III). By clairvoyance, Steiner identified this serpent spirit as a "powerful genius from Mars". having taken possession of Ignatius of Loyola (see Rudolf Steiner, Le Karma, tome VI). A clue pointing in this direction: before embarking on the conquest of Rome, Ignatius initiated his first disciples in Paris in a cave in Montmartre – the mountain of Mars. As for Teilhard de Chardin, one of the most influential Jesuits in history, he says he erected in his childhood a altar to "his god of iron." »________________________________ Thank you for your work and for your prayers for all of us, we need them... May God continue to bless you and to protect you and your family.

Darkness Is Falling

- 2 years ago  

Hi Anna! Thank you as always for sharing. Wonderful! You are absolutely right about the quote/account about Loyola. I read this some time ago. Inigo was a high level sorcerer! People were afraid of him. He had power and influence. The Jesuit cult always paint him as a kind and innocent man. All Lies! Yes, the Jesuit curse began in Paris. I have been to Montmartre and i know where this trouble began so long ago. The Mountain of Mars! How appropriate. Mars, the god of war and death = Satan himself, Loyola's god! God bless you and keep you strong in faith. Bad times are coming. Stay in God's Word and in prayer. I'm praying for you. Please pray for me that i will fulfill this task as God has called me to do. God bless you!