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Darkness Is Falling



The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 185 - Quick Response!

  - 54:06

Things are moving fast people! In a matter of days the QR or “Quick Response” code seems to have taken precedence over vaccination in the Jesuit Masonic Media! I have learned from Australian contacts that QR codes have become standard for entry to all retail businesses in the more populated states. It appears China and Australia are moving in Lockstep with surveillance technologies. Why am i NOT surprised? Mexico had already started using QR codes in December 2020 to track and trace people suspected of being infected. In Canada the QR codes have now been implemented in the province of Quebec and Manitoba and beginning on September 13th in British Columbia and in Ontario September 22nd. I can almost safely predict that by the end of September that Alberta, Saskatchewan and all the Eastern Provinces will follow suit. Right now that Masonic traitor Kenney is offering people $100 dollars in exchange for their eternal soul if they get vaxxed! Some provinces are making out that they’re trying to get their own QR code app ready. What absolute nonsense. How can these different QR codes work across all borders if they aren’t being processed by the same computer mainframe? Do NOT believe what the media is telling you. Learn more at: How To Get Born Again and Become A Child of God! Following Jesus Christ & Counting the Cost! The Roman Catholic “Mark Of The Beast” The Jesuit Vatican New Age Deception Darkness Is Falling No shot, no proof, no service: New York becomes first major US city to impose vaccine passport to get into restaurants, bars, museums and gyms - Daily Mail






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September 6th 2021  

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Category: How To & Education



- 3 years ago


- 3 years ago  

Yes QR codes are huge. How can't people see that they are wanting to get you used to being tracked like a dog. That is all we are to these people = dogs. In fact we are less than dogs. Their dogs get treated better than us. If the vax is not the mark than what is it? A present? A local pastor I know is blessing the people testing us and that want to vax us. This is ok but that pastor believes these people are doing us good - helping us. I am at a loss as I know they mean well and the testers are "doing their job" but the senior pastor wears mask and closes church, social distances etc. He submits to a freemason political leader who claims to be a pentecostal and yet is injecting kids and pregnant ladies. I know this pastor and I do not know what to say. My heart is broken. He was hero in my mind and I find it hard to say ill of him. But naive or not he must know the leader in a mason. Surely!?

Darkness Is Falling

- 3 years ago  

Thanks for taking the time to share. As i have stated repetitively in all my videos. The political, religious, economic, cultural and education systems of the world are ALL controlled by the Jesuits of Rome. It's a HARD truth. DO NOT TRUST ANYONE IN AUTHORITY! NO ONE! Trust only the WORD of God, the Bible! The BEAST system now controls EVERYTHING just as was prophesied in God's Word over and over again. This is the end of all things. We are now living out Revelation 13: 7, 16 and 17. The Pope is making war against ALL people and in particular Christians who REFUSE to take his MARK INJECTION. This is the last Tribulation! Prepare to DIE for Christ. This is coming very soon. ALL who refuse to be vaxxed will be KILLED just as in the past. Put ALL your Faith in Christ and "Come out of her my people that you partake NOT of her plagues." Revelation 18:4. Have nothing to do with "mainstream" religion. It is 100% Apostate! They are ALL LIARS and DECEIVERS! Only total trust and faith in Jesus Christ can SAVE you, me, us! God bless you and keep you!