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Darkness Is Falling



The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 297 - Babylon Business Pt D

  - 2:06:25

Babylon Business consists of a pyramid of Corporation Umbrella Groups worldwide from top to bottom in decreasing size all under the chief Vatican Inc. Umbrella at the top. Personal Income Tax is nothing less than the TITHE to the BEAST of ROME. That’s what it is people. Paying PERSONAL INCOME Tax is the same as Old Testament Tithing except that it isn’t VOLUNTARY but COMPULSORY and under STANDOVER TACTICS of PUNISHMENT and FEAR for those who don’t comply. The TAX doesn’t go to your National government but to the Vatican Bank. The BEAST world business and government FRAMEWORK is NECESSARY to extract the ILLEGAL TAX from every working person labouring across the Flat Earth Plane. The Tax is like a pre-Mark MARK bringing everyone into compliance and obedience to the Beast in the belief that they are doing their NATIONAL and PATRIOTIC DUTY by sending money to their government! The FINAL BUSINESS TRANSACTION in history is the INCORPORATION OF ALL HUMAN BODIES into the KINGDOM OF THE BEAST CORP INC. Learn more at: How To Get Born Again and Become A Child of God! Following Jesus Christ & Counting the Cost! The Holy Spirit The Roman Catholic “Mark Of The Beast” The Jesuit Vatican New Age Deception The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire Video Series - Eleven Pages - 309 Videos Face Book - Darkness Is Falling Video Series Rumble - Darkness Is Falling Video Series Rumble 2 - Backup Channel BitChute - Darkness Is Falling Instagram - darknessisfalling.truth - Darkness Is Falling






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August 27th 2023  

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Category: How To & Education



- a year ago  

THEY also work to destroy businesses. I worked as an engineer at a large auto plant. At a supplier meeting for a conveyor installation, I was told that the trays atop the carriers were designed to be flat so that the foam blocks can be tipped into the specific baskets properly. I pulled out my red pencil to correct the drawing to have a draft angle to keep the blocks from vibrating off the carrier during transport. The engineer my superior pulled me back and signed off on the drawing and accepted the project as designed. The result was product all over the plant floor. Making a company unproductive is another control these financial perverts operate with.


- a year ago  

WHO- 13 Billion Covid-19/Mark of the Beast 666 marks have been put into the people -


- a year ago  

The false prophet can only deceive those who HAD taken the Mark of the Beast - he has no power to deceive those who are not marked --- [KJV 1611] Rev 19:20 And the beast was taken, & with him THE FALSE PROPHET, that wrought miracles before him, with which he DECEIUED THEM that HAD receiued THE MARKE OF THE BEAST, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast aliue into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.


- a year ago  

[KJV 1611] Rev 19:15 And out of his mouth goeth a sharpe sword, that with it hee should smite the nations: and HE SHAL RULE THEM WITH A ROD OF YRON: and he treadeth the winepresse of the fiercenesse and wrath of Almighty God. --- What does this mean: '... he shal rule them with a rod of yron...' = the Antichrist rule over the children of Pride (666 Mark of the Beast). In the KJV 1611 - the word 'Iron' occurs exactly 18 times - 666 (although the other variation 'yron' occurs in 71 verse [82 times] = 8 = infinity or completion of old and the start of the new forever). --- [KJV 1611] 1Ki 8:51 For they bee thy people and thine inheritance, which thou broughtest foorth out of Egypt, from the mids of the furnace of iron: ---- [KJV 1611] Job 19:22 Why doe ye persecute me as God, and are not satisfied with my flesh? [KJV 1611] Job 19:23 Oh that my wordes were now written, oh that they were printed in a booke! [KJV 1611] Job 19:24 That they were grauen with an iron pen and lead, in the rocke for euer. [KJV 1611] Job 19:25 For I know that my Redeemer liueth, and that he shall stand at the latter day, vpon the earth: [KJV 1611] Job 19:26 And though after my skin, wormes destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God: [KJV 1611] Job 19:27 Whom I shal see for my selfe, and mine eyes shall beholde, and not another, though my reines bee consumed within me. [KJV 1611] Job 19:28 But ye should say, Why persecute we him? seeing the root of the matter is found in me. [KJV 1611] Job 19:29 Bee ye afraid of the sword: for wrath bringeth the punishments of the sword, that yee may know there is a iudgement. --- [KJV 1611] Job 20:4 Knowest thou not this of old, since man was placed vpon earth, [KJV 1611] Job 20:5 That the triumphing of the wicked is short, and the ioy of the hypocrite but for a moment? [KJV 1611] Job 20:6 Though his excellencie mount vp to the heauens, and his head reach vnto the clouds: [KJV 1611] Job 20:7 Yet he shall perish for euer, like his owne doung: they which haue seene him, shall say, Where is he? [KJV 1611] Job 20:8 He shall flie away as a dreame, and shall not be found: yea he shalbe chased away as a vision of the night. [KJV 1611] Job 20:9 The eye also which saw him, shall see him no more; neither shall his place any more behold him. [KJV 1611] Job 20:19 Because hee hath oppressed, and hath forsaken the poore; because he hath violently taken away an house which he builded not: [KJV 1611] Job 20:22 In the fulnesse of his sufficiencie, he shalbe in straites: euery hand of the wicked shall come vpon him. [KJV 1611] Job 20:23 When he is about to fill his belly, God shall cast the furie of his wrath vpon him, and shall raine it vpon him while he is eating. [KJV 1611] Job 20:24 He shall flee from the iron weapon, and the bow of steele shall strike him through. [KJV 1611] Job 20:25 It is drawen, and commeth out of the body; yea the glistering sword commeth out of his gall; terrours are vpon him. [KJV 1611] Job 20:26 All darknesse shalbe hid in his secret places: a fire not blowen shall consume him; it shall goe ill with him that is left in his tabernacle. [KJV 1611] Job 20:27 The heauen shall reueale his iniquitie: and the earth shall rise vp against him. [KJV 1611] Job 20:28 The increase of his house shall depart, and his goods shall flow away in the day of his wrath. [KJV 1611] Job 20:29 This is the portion of a wicked man from God, and the heritage appointed vnto him by God. --- [KJV 1611] Psa 2:9 Thou shalt breake them with a rod of iron, thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potters vessell. [KJV 1611] Job 41:34 He beholdeth all high things: he is a king ouer all the children of pride. --- [KJV 1611] 1Ti 4:2 Speaking lies in hypocrisie, hauing their conscience seared with a hote iron, --- [KJV 1611] Dan 2:40 And the fourth kingdome shall be strong as yron: forasmuch as yron breaketh in pieces and subdueth all things; and as yron that breaketh all these, shall it breake in pieces and bruise. [KJV 1611] Dan 2:41 And whereas thou sawest the feete and toes, part of potters clay, and part of yron: the kingdome shalbe diuided, but there shalbe in it of the strength of the yron, forasmuch as thou sawest the yron mixt with myrie clay. [KJV 1611] Dan 2:42 And as the toes of the feete were part of yron, and part of clay; so the kingdome shall be partly strong, and partly broken. [KJV 1611] Dan 2:43 And whereas thou sawest yron mixt with myrie clay, they shall mingle themselues with the seede of men: but they shall not cleaue one to an other, euen as yron is not mixed with clay. [KJV 1611] Dan 2:44 And in the daies of these Kings shall the God of heauen set vp a kingdome, which shall neuer be destroyed: and the Kingdome shall not be left to other people, but it shall breake in pieces, and consume all these kingdomes, and it shall stand for euer. [KJV 1611] Dan 2:45 Forasmuch as thou sawest that the stone was cut out of the mountaine without hands, and that it brake in pieces the yron, the brasse, the clay, the siluer, and the gold: the great God hath made knowen to the King what shall come to passe hereafter, & the dreame is certaine, and the interpretation thereof sure.


- a year ago  

The Sun is an Angel - that gives the greater light --- Rev 19:17 And I SAW AN ANGEL STANDING IN THE SUNNE, and hee cried with a lowd voyce, saying to all the foules that flie in the midst of heauen, Come and gather your selues together vnto the supper of the great God:


- a year ago  

An important FB page - Justice for All - --- What goes on in Maidstone video -


- a year ago  

[KJV 1611] Rev 19:2 For true and righteous are his iudgements, for hee hath iudged THE GREAT WHORE WHICH DID CORRUPT THE EARTH WITH HER FORNICATION, and hath uenged the blood of his seruants at her hand. --- The Catholic whore - has two a fold strategy to rule and control the world: (1) she seeks to corrupt everything (2) and she corrupts thru FORNICATION. Websters 1828 Dictionary states there are 4 kinds of fornication : (1) sex outside marriage (2) Adultery (3) Incest (4) Idol worship --- [Websters 1828] Fornication - [1] The incontinence or lewdness of unmarried persons, male or female; also, the criminal conversation of a married man with an unmarried woman. [2] Adultery. Mat 5. [3]Incest. 1 Cor 5. [4]Idolatry; a forsaking of the true God, and worshipping of idols. 2 Chr 21. Rev 19.


- a year ago  

World War III/IV - +++ Albert Pike Letter to Mazzini - Pike Letter to Mazzini.pdf --- (the Vatican by controlling the world's money supply controlls the chess pieces and decides who wins and who loses - ultimately she 'the hidden hand' wins.


- a year ago  

ADRENOCHROME = Occult Numerology [(A)3 + C(3) + D(4) + E(10) + H(8) + M(13) + N(14) + O(30) + R(36)] = 119 = 9/11 (or 11 - the Bibical number of confusion - 911 = 9x2 = 18 = 666) --- [KJV 1611] Gen 9:4 But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall you not eate. - [KJV 1611] Deu 12:23 Onely be sure that thou eate not the blood: for the blood is the life, and thou mayest not eate the life with the flesh. - [KJV 1611] Deu 15:23 Onely thou shalt not eate the blood thereof: thou shalt powre it vpon the ground as water.


- a year ago  

Catholic - Sound Of Freedom & Adrenochrome -