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Darkness Is Falling



The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 250 - Ephesians

  - 1:21:46

In this video i will expound on the book of Ephesians and hopefully open it up to deeper understanding for those of you who are listening. My aim is that all may enter into deeper fellowship with Jesus Christ through a greater revelation of God’s Word and his plan for his people. This letter was written by Paul to the Ephesian ekklesia about 60 AD while he was under house arrest in Rome. It is a general letter of instruction and encouragement to saints of God that he had taught and cared for over a 3 year period of time. The Lord Jesus Christ is at the centre of this letter with the expression “In Christ” used almost 40 times. In many of my video messages i have finished with this same expression stating that the most important thing for anyone is to be “found in Christ” before the end. This letter gloriously describes the mystical connection of the true Ekklesia or congregation of God’s people, the Body of Christ by FAITH to its redeemer and head, Jesus Christ! Learn more at: How To Get Born Again and Become A Child of God! Following Jesus Christ & Counting the Cost! The Holy Spirit The Roman Catholic “Mark Of The Beast” The Jesuit Vatican New Age Deception The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire Video Series - Nine Pages - 250 Videos Face Book - Darkness Is Falling Video Series Rumble - Darkness Is Falling Video Series Rumble - Darkness Is Falling 2 Backup Channel BitChute - Darkness Is Falling Instagram - darknessisfalling.truth You Tube - Darkness Is Falling Channels 1 + 3






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October 13th 2022  

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Category: How To & Education



- 2 years ago  

The following video proves the micro-needle patch was delivered thru the swab test :


- 2 years ago  

Oh, yes!... I regret I have not noted the references of a DNA modification experiment on a small primitive organism I saw years ago - scientists were so proud that they durably succeeded the modification, except that in few generations this organism eliminated all the artificial modifications they introduced... Then, what if all these "formidable" technologies based on matter (DNA is a matter after all) will not resist God's will Who is Spirit, dominating matter? What if God says: no! Anyway I cling to God with all my strength and all my trust and I only fear to displease Him.


- 2 years ago  

The MICRONEEDLE PATCH has already been delivered thru the swab test (the mark of the beast to the forehead) and the vaccine needle jab delivered the mark of the beast to the right hand. God uses the 'or' so one could have both sites marked and the right hand is stated, most people are right hand, right footed and right eyed - but left for a minority might be possible - but self aware A1 nano tech knows how to setup the mark in the right hand of the body. The bible states Satan has come down with with great wrath and he knows his time is short - someone in this condition does not have time to play with and the following video proves the micro-needle patch was delivered thru the swab test : and COVID PCR TEST SWAB SHOWS NANOBOTS LIGHT UP --- The inventor of this medicinal patch created it after being inspired by the Viper Snake Fang (This may not be true since the bible show the human tongue is similar : It is a closely knit matrix of extremely thin and sharp tiny curved needles that look like a snake fang. Medicines, hormones, drugs, and vaccines can be inserted in the hollow needles which then get under the skin to be easily dispersed throughout the body. Luciferase Enzyme Nanoparticle RNA Vaccines - This vaccine, called Lucifer-ase, named after Lucifer of course, contains nano-particle robots that will be able to self-replicate within the blood stream and go to work on altering the DNA of healthy cells using RNA reverse transcription modification. This Luciferase vaccine will also contain special metallic particles which can both send and receive Wi-Fi signals to the 5G system so that your bodily functions can be both monitored and manipulated using your unique IP internet protocol address on the 5G internet of things. Microsoft issued 666 patent number WO2020060606A1 on its body-activated cryptocurrency will be embedded inside the body to monitor and reward people based on one’s health or activity. Here is the excerpt from the patent” ( ID2020 initiative is a quantum dot tattoo system that leaves a mark under the skin that can then be read by ultraviolet light and a smart phone scanner app. Microneedle patch acedemic paper explaining in great detail how it all works: and


- 2 years ago  

Corrected link - Micro-needle patch academic paper explaining in great detail how it all works:


- 2 years ago  

India is a corrupt Idol worshiping country - they are all talk and no action or follow thru (although incidentally, Tamil Nadu and Kerala the only two Christian states in India are also the most successful in the country - this is where doubting Thomas finished his glorious ministry in the Lord Jesus Christ). In a volunteer based experient, people can die hence they have to sign a consent form and do not neccessarily have to be told everything. As we know in an experient your trying lodically to evolv thru the unknown and unexpected to an expected end that may or may not yeild a profitable result. But people can claim compensation from vaccine comapanies - since they were the ones who took the risk, they must also recieve a reward - this is the missing part of the jigsaw no one is talking about. If I take part in a life threatening experiment, the higher the risk the more they must pay me to take that risk? Most people have yet to be paid the money they are owed by the vaccine companies - regardless whether they were injured or not - this is upfront payment never paid by the experimentor vaccine companies. Asidewise, I did produce a non-consent form for those who like me, refuse to take the mark (which carrries the merits of the argument your making) :


- 2 years ago  

Cristina Martín Jiménez (wise women) :


- 2 years ago  

UK - we encourage people who may have had the Nano Meta Material antenna illegally injected into them to make a claim for medical battery and the £120,000 on offer from the government. Using a neodymium magnet you can locate the antenna at the injection site. This antenna is to be used for the assassination of the victim using the 5G directional signal from the street furniture to change their bio metrics and cause atonic seizure and heart failure. ---


- 2 years ago is an organization in France which files a criminal complaint accompanied by all the documents testifying to the composition of the injections, especially the graphene. Albert Burla was asked to come and answer questions of EU Parliament, he send instead an employee who, to the question if they tested and proved that the injection prevents transmission replied that they did not because they had to go "at the speed of science" - is this an answer of a human or an IA robot which has no problem with limits of insolent lying.


- 2 years ago  

Hi Anna - the problem is people were told the vaccine was 'experimental' and then they signed a 'consent form' to recieve it, similar to a doctor/hospital operation consent (waver) form - without which they will not perform the operation on the patient - but once signed, if you die or get injured they are covered - so the waver for the vaccine companies protects them - unless it can proven the consenting adult did not have reasonable understanding when consenting - but the vaccine companies are non the less covered, because it was 'experimental' which creates a vast ground for misadventure and mishap, even death.


- 2 years ago  

I wanted to answer to you, but the comment were not published, and I lost it - now I just try...


- 2 years ago  

I agree. But how to justify in the court the presence of graphene and, even more, the emission of alphanumeric code for the purpose of "immunity" ? You also have a notion of extortion of un-informed consent. Supreme Court of India stated that nobody can be forced to inject - at least that ! I see it as very positive that lawyers try to do their job with dedication seeing it as a moral and spiritual duty. You probably know the book "The Real Anthony Fauci" and a new film based on this book - good to remember the recent history and their way to repeat again and again the same lies. I have read again Ephesians after William last video, I hope we will see him tomorrow. God bless you !


- 2 years ago  

India is a corrupt Idol worshiping country - they are all talk and no action or follow thru (although incidentally, Tamil Nadu and Kerala the only two Christian states in India are also the most successful in the country - this is where doubting Thomas finished his glorious ministry in the Lord Jesus Christ). In a volunteer based experient, people can die hence they have to sign a consent form and do not neccessarily have to be told everything. As we know in an experient your trying lodically to evolv thru the unknown and unexpected to an expected end that may or may not yeild a profitable result. But people can claim compensation from vaccine comapanies - since they were the ones who took the risk, they must also recieve a reward - this is the missing part of the jigsaw no one is talking about. If I take part in a life threatening experiment, the higher the risk the more they must pay me to take that risk? Most people have yet to be paid the money they are owed by the vaccine companies - regardless whether they were injured or not - this is upfront payment never paid by the experimentor vaccine companies. Asidewise, I did produce a non-consent form for those who like me, refuse to take the mark (which carrries the merits of the argument your making) :


- 2 years ago  

Thanks a lot for your document. Reaction19 - in France - produced also a document to sign to doctors, vaccinators or employers to discourage them from making pressure.


- 2 years ago  

I'd say I came into the internet truth movement around 2012 when I realised the whole sham the world was and its so called pillars of trust (govenment, courts, banks etc) and over time I have also learned to decipher liars and fraudsters from actual truthers - the first thing one must look at is their symbolism (satan has a massive issue with pride, so do his children - this is their great weakness - they love to boast!) and Reaction19 is a masonic satanic group - they will achieve nothing - they carry the 666 in their logo to tell you who they work for : The long captial stretched out 'i' = 9 and next to it, is the 'o' (15 = 1+5 = 6) and the 9 - combined together is 666 - right in the centre of reaction19 - they work for Lucifer ( France is a secular/catholic socialist country under heavy masonic control.


- 2 years ago  

I failed to understand your explanation of the satanic numerology of the logo and I have no idea if the graphic designer who made it understand it himself. What I have seen is that for two years the legal work of this association has been helping hundreds of thousands of people to oppose the dictatorship on a daily basis thanks to the exploitation of the legal loopholes of their badly written dictates. I cannot personally predict the future of their successes or failures, the important thing for me is that they fight.


- 2 years ago  

Even the UK equivalent ( is a masonic satanic setup with the sun worship logo in your face (the book of Duteronomy teaches all false religions worship the sun, moon or stars (fallen angels) or all three or cominations of these - God reveals here that freemasonry is a religion, whom he calls the 'builders' in the NT and these were the very murdereres of Jesus Christ - they were all builders (masons) - and the man running it is called Mark (666) Steele (steel point of the jab needle). Rumour has it he talks about Jesus all the time in person - yet I have not heard a mention of the Lord in any interview or on this website. He is from the army and these sort of people can never be trusted - they are always embedded mason agents. He wears black glasses - this is to see who is Luciferase marked and who is not, as per the movie: 'They Live'. Today his website says the the s-u-n is rising, which deciphered = sun = 54 = 9, in the occult 9 is always 6 and the 6 is the number of the beast and yes, the beast is rising in the marked - every 7 years our body cells die and recreate themselves anew and the beast is rising in the marked as their cells replicate from 66 to the beast 666 over the next 7 years - until the beast is fully risen in the body.


- 2 years ago  

Released by court order - Official CDC data: almost 2/3 suffer health injury due to covid-19 vaccine :


- 2 years ago  

So many in the truth movement equate knowing the hidden who, what and why's with elevating oneself to "heaven." It does one no good to know all the secrets if one does not know Jesus Christ as their King. 'The fear of Yahweh is the beginning of understanding.' How many times do we read in the OT the Israelites turned away from God and worshipped Baal only to lose God's protection and be turned over to those even more evil than themselves. Again and again, that's how many times. So many times it has never ended. In fact that is where we are once again today.

Darkness Is Falling

- 2 years ago  

Hi ireckonso! Good comment. I agree 100%. Although this time (NOW) we are at the end of God's grace and mercy. Time's almost up! God bless you!


- 2 years ago


- 2 years ago  

The Big Reset Movie - a must watch - (only error: that the original covid wave was real - but everything is on cue:) :


- 2 years ago  

William, thank you very much for this pertinent study on Ephesians. What about simple souls, very surprised at the announcement that showing compassion to needy, they showed compassion to Jesus Christ himself ? Had they received His Grace before and behaved accordingly ? Also, Jesus words to Samaritan woman always impress me very, very strongly. William, what are your thoughts about Revelation 2:15, or is it something we will understand later ? Personaly, I do not need necessarily to know everything about the future but this phrase intrigues me. "Sing and make melody in your heart to the Lord..." Eph.5:20 - it's so beautiful ! Italy also have a "newly selected silver tongue" PM - Georgia Meloni. Can we pray Jesus and ask Him to overshadow us to guide and protect us with His Hand ? We all need it, I need it, more and more, especially in the unavoidable horrors to come. Thank you again, William, for all your inspired teachings. May God continue to protect and bless you for all you have been doing. See you next week, I hope !

Darkness Is Falling

- 2 years ago  

Hi Anna! Thanks for sharing your updates. These help me keep track of what is going on. Yes indeed, pray that God would protect all his children until the appointed time. That is scriptural. We need God's protection and guidance! Revelation 2:15 i explained briefly in the video. God hates the "Nicolaitan" religious hierarchy = Babylonian/Roman priesthood! Thank you for your prayers. I need them. I will always do my best to give only the truth. I'm praying for you. God bless you!


- 2 years ago  

I am so sorry, William. Of course you have just explained Revelation 2:15 ! I have mistaken references I can not find now - I was meaning the new name given by God, known only to the person, and written on the stone. Maybe one next time you will be able speak about this ? May God bless you and give you a profound spiritual peace by His presence !

Darkness Is Falling

- 2 years ago  

Hi Anna! It's no problem. As for the "New" name: New Birth = New Man/Woman = New CREATURE = New Name. Everything is made NEW in God's Kingdom. 2 Corinthians 5:17, "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, ALL things are become new." God bless you!