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Darkness Is Falling



The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 224 - Old Tricks!

  - 1:26:14

In this video i want to look at what is really happening in the Ukraine. It seems that people just don’t have the ability to recognize what is happening there. They are blinded by MSM LIES! It is really important to understand the Jesuit strategies of Infiltration, Subversion, Division and Deception when dealing with world events. The scripture tells us in Revelation 13:7, “And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.” It’s important to understand HOW the Beast is making War. He is using ALL these strategies to DECEIVE people! There are MANY ways to make WAR! Let’s examine what they are! First of all this war between Russia and the Ukraine is Fake, Contrived and Pre-Planned by the Jesuits. In other words it is a “Synthetic War” with pre-set goals for the Media to PROJECT abroad as SENSATIONAL NEWS PROPAGANDA. There is NO spontaneity here at all. There is NO Hero OR Villain in this scenario as far as countries go JUST the 2 leaders. THEY are BOTH VILLAINS beating their people up! That’s what’s happening! Russia is NOT the enemy! Putin is! Zelensky is NOT a HERO. He is a criminal! Learn more at: How To Get Born Again and Become A Child of God! Following Jesus Christ & Counting the Cost! The Holy Spirit The Roman Catholic “Mark Of The Beast” The Jesuit Vatican New Age Deception The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire Video Series - Eight Pages - 230 Videos Rumble - Darkness Is Falling Video Series






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April 24th 2022  

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Category: How To & Education



- 2 years ago  

Im confused, you praise jesus, but isnt their a bunch of stories omitted from the bible, by the catholic church, giving us their interpreted narative? We therefore are not interpreting the original but someone elses censored interpretation of the original. I do believe we are creatures of a divine nature, but struggle to believe someone elses truth without all the facts in place. Not saying i have not benifitted from the book. I have faith in myself to find truth.


- 2 years ago  

Brother William, I am one of those who have been caught up in the endless debates. Sometimes people are able to distinguish some inkling or kernel of truth to enquire more, but mostly they retreat more strongly into their worldly delusion. It is frustrating because it is a matter of eternal life or death. They are blinded by the indoctrination of their education and the media they consume. I am sorry if my misguided unChristian behaviour online reflects badly on Christians such as yourself or your channel . It was misguided zeal. Please forgive me. Can you please suggest or advise on a strategy by which your channels and website can be shared so that the people who are yet to be vaccinated can be shocked into realization of what is really going on, and hopefully have a change of mind that directs them their ONLY means of eternal salvation in our Lord Jesus Christ.

Darkness Is Falling

- 2 years ago  

Hi Orinoco I love your attitude! What you're describing has happened to all of us. There is nothing wrong with wanting to see people come to the truth BUT many will waste your time. IF there is NO desire for the truth being expressed by whoever you're talking to then let it go and move on after a short exchange. That's what i do! Many just want to prove a pet point and argue about things that have NO eternal value. Just put it behind you and ask God for wisdom when dealing with people. The internet can be a real trap because you have NO idea who you're really talking to. I have seen NO unwholesome word posted here from you so it's all good. The only strategy i know which seems to have success is when i post my website and social media links with warnings that "Covid is a fiction" and "Do not inject" into Covid "News" videos on You Tube. I seem to get a steady stream of visitors to my website for sure. Usually between 500 and 1000+ per week. That's really good for me. I'm just a little guy. Many people commenting on these "News" videos are anti vaxxers or KNOW what is happening. I engage in this activity on a regular basis. It's a part of what i do! God will make it clear to you IF you ask. Do whatever you can in these last days. Time is almost up. I'm praying for you! God bless you!


- 2 years ago  

So many distractions now. Thank you for sharing another informative and encouraging video, brother. You are edifying many as a shining beacon of Christian truth and caution in a time of ever-increasing mass disinformation, propaganda and deception. You are in my prayers. Thank you and may God bless and protect you.

Darkness Is Falling

- 2 years ago  

Yes! It's nothing short of incredible! The Lies in the MSM really are too much of a temptation for most people. We are truly living in the most dangerous time in human history when the whole truth is almost impossible to find. I'm doing my best to reach a few. Thank you for your prayers. Much needed. Don't take your eyes off the Lord. He is our only hope brother! God bless you richly!


- 2 years ago  

yes, they mock god/creator with their religion of scientific materialism which of course is folly thank you for your discernment

Darkness Is Falling

- 2 years ago  

Great to hear from you! God bless you abundantly!