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Dragon Slayer Intel



Blurry Creatures podcast the tombs of the god kings fallen Angels?

  - 1:22:18

Podcast: Blurry Creatures featuring info on the Gilgamesh tomb raid and mystical artifacts recovered on the sly, by assets of the deep state during Iraq occupation. Maybe they were after weapons of mass destruction, supernatural artifacts of ancient days? Like - Solomon's ring, Joseph's coat of many colors, some of the artifacts associated with the Ark, Items from the cave of treasures, Jezebels magic mirror viewing portal, other unknown items? -------------------------- Related maybe------- Luke 10:18 reads "Satan as Barak Obama" (in Hebrew) Barry Sotoro came next i remember He said that one of those pharaoh's of Egypt looked just like himself. Invented a new name and fake birth certificate in Barak Oboma nation. This guy seems to be involved in deep darkness, maybe he thinks he is a god, old Klaus does. Here is a thought, maybe they grew Barak in a clone-aid type tank, from DNA collected from the Gilgamesh tomb. Would THAT be like heal a deadly wound,,just musing for the theorist. ----------------------------- Chick en shite FBI goes after mommy's that want freedom *FBI WHISTLEBLOWER JUST IMPLODED THE BIDEN ADMINISTRATION WITH MEGA SMOKING GUN MEMO When their not busy setting up false flag operations. You are on the path to your own destruction, think - stop - repent FBI men. -------------------------------------------- MURDER HOUSE BEES EDITION BEE WARNED ----------- Just the first 3 to 4 minutes after that just hours digging out and killing bees






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May 13th 2022  

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Category: How To & Education



- 2 years ago  

our roommate's mom makes $72 an hour at home, she has been unemployed for two months and last month her check was $21204 just working at home two hours per day... go to this link >>>

Dragon Slayer Intel

- 2 years ago  

my bad,, forgot the link...

Dragon Slayer Intel

- 2 years ago  

As always, you must decide, all I can do is share and give my opinion. Jesus can give you peace, many are called, but few are chosen.