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Dragon Slayer Intel



Sheep Gives Birth to Human Faced Lamb in Turkey

  - 2:16

Seems like we are seeing loads upon loads of this kind of MIXING ONE SPECIES TO ANOTHER. I have many pictures of real discoveries of these abominations. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTROL the 'narrative' by becoming the primary source of all information..THAT IS TV for most now days or www. .The (( Imagery )) you get your Programs from. ONE SOURCE FOR ALL INFO under control censored scripted... AND IF YOU TRUST THEM, YOU ARE SUPER DECEIVED. Folks Don't believe anything shown that you can't verify through real investigations done by you and then beware. Beware the HD CGI and lies, smoke and mirrors.. Do you know what a scrying mirror is? Incase you don't, these were used in the occult to make contact or see visions, images of the future etc. They go way back and it has always been sorcery. dam monitors,tv, pc's, all could be the IMAGE OF THE BEAST? Richard Nixon — The American People Don't Believe Anything Until They See It On Television.... I don't know for certain, but things keep pointing to the view screens that display the images on our electronic devices. And do you think it possible that the 'missing' from the last days events, if these are the last days? So where is the Image of the Beast? Could it actually be all these monitors, phones, pc monitors, TVs and flat screens.






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July 31st 2021  

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Category: News


Dragon Slayer Intel

- 3 years ago  

Sheep Gives Birth to Human-Faced Lamb in Turkey.

Dragon Slayer Intel

- 3 years ago  

Just saying..