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Dragon Slayer Intel



Dirigble basic-design-NUCLEAR POWERED-HELIUM for buoyancy

Aerospace composite buoyancy enclosures mounted at either end of a central keel frame for dirigible platforms up to 120 thousand feet and higher. You could not see such a craft passed 10 miles of altitude, which is about 53 thousand feet. The manned areas would all be pressurized, and made large enough, could be quite a comfy and hidden asset. Do you believe that this technology would kept secret, i do.. At really high altitudes like 120,000 and higher the wind is still, so they can keep the balloons stationary. The Earth is a level plane, the water proves that. And as i have tried to show, the book of Obadiah a one page short old testament prophecy of the very end of days. God said he was going to get those of the line of Esau. Names bottom of the Sea, and in the mountains, underground and up high among the stars..So now you know, about one more of their many hide outs, from which the evil powers invegel the souls of men, and destroy. I bet the devil visits them at night, with some deceiving fallen angels? I also bet they are just now starting to understand, that they are the most deceived of all, as the fear of the wrath to come beckons ! ------------------------ Do not fear because He is with us ! Pre mandel effect preaching by a real man of God, and the proof is the persecution this ministry has endured. PRAYERS ANSWERED BAPTISM IN JESUS name as commanded. Learn real Gospel understanding. SFA scroll down page and click on listen player for eye opening truth.






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June 17th 2022  

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