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Dragon Slayer Intel



WHAT ARE YOU DOING language warning PG13 - HarryVox-links

WHAT ARE YOU DOING language warning PG13 - HarryVox-links Stew, stew stew,,,head shaking no, no, I can not believe Stew sold out like this, remember trusting Jesus Christ and Truth, John 14.. WE SEE WHAT YOU DO, and that is how we will know them. False Christian liars just like centuries ago, same old trick. eh? LAURA LOOMER FOUND JESUS - (SHE'S A POLITICAL & RELIGIOUS CARPETBAGGER) Anyone can claim Jesus, it is by their works that we shall know them. ---intel--- HEADS UP ALL! ~ VAXXED HAVE PROGRAMMABLE ZOMBIE BRAIN IMPLANTS BlackRock is not our rock, but they do run an AI VaxZombie control program, owned by Jewish corporate collective of globalist evil. I hope this helps the suffering Jabbed? As for me and my house, steadfast with Christ, and none of us were jabbed, tested, or masked ever ! -------------- Is Israel Our Greatest Ally? ------------ Wealth of info videos at -->' High Hopes ' playlist all videos. ------------ FBI NOTICE Warns of Coming Food Shortages Plus Something Strange is Happening 1O THOUSAND COWS DEAD IN KANSAS, and 18 processing plants destroyed, FAMINE AHEAD.. ------------ 2nd Chronicles 7:14 IF my people whom are called by my Name --> Christ 'ians.. --> Live player --->






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Uploaded 2 years ago  

August 6th 2022  

Category: News



- 2 years ago  

The only good Jew is a dead one.!

Dragon Slayer Intel

- 2 years ago  

Edomites pretending to be Jews by name stealing and even stold the name Israel from the other 12 tribes. Jew's have the same rights as everyone else, and should be held accountable for their actions, the same as everyone else. It's the TARES and the Brood of Vipers doing all this, with their Pirate leader Satan at the helm. The Angels are the reapers, I wouldn't presume every soul operating as a Jew is necessarily even aware of the truth as who and what they represent. You will know them by their deeds and actions.

Dragon Slayer Intel

- 2 years ago  

What happens is success comes and things seem great, and to keep this new found wealth and status, the devil comes along and bingo you get tested.. The wise move is trusting in God, even to protect your family.. May the best God win !!

Dragon Slayer Intel

- 2 years ago  

Stew got tested, lets see if he can keep the truth message fearlessly, always onward and repentant of back sliding. There will be more test to come, always are. The devil don't take no time off.. Lead us not in temptation -->that why you pray this part of the LORDS Prayer..