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Dragon Slayer Intel



Elon Musks Neural Lace Brain Interface Is The Graphene Covid Vaccine

  - 12:58

From Russbrown Links below, +comments. ----------------- Kills certain people rather quickly. While others seem fine for a longer period of time. As the Jabcoma sets in for these whom chose the crooked path.. I was thinking about the people who passed out, within an hour or so. Listening to this video about all the Vaxidents.. And then followed by those whom survived the wrecks/vaxidents and reported to VAERS what it was like for them. link at bottom. Some of the people that survived to tell their story, reported their heart rate sped up, like doubled. At the moment of when the weaponized potion over comes the mind, at that moment these people no longer conscious, the black out. What might be going on at that interval of time? Could an exit and an intrusion be occurring? The portion of God's holy spirit, that God said He put in all flesh. The Potion being injected contains Luciferase, not just a hydra-gel, but far far worse. Combined together with the cells of a sacrificed Baby or babies, and a host of other black arts concoctions of satanic origins, guaranteed. I have read that some people have complained about a loss feeling , like the lady that shouted oh my God I can't feel my soul. Its like that portion of the Holy spirit was gone, a horrifying statement. But I will say I doubt any Bible read Christian that understands what is written there in, would allow anything like that which is being pumped into the bodies of those deceived and allowing this devil venom into their blood. You gotta be on guard 100% and faithful to Christ like never before, if you ask me.. They do mean to do You harm.. But now, it seems these devils are so deceptive, that we need to stop using anything at all, until you can determine if its weaponized. Test everything even test food for magnetic effects. But, do pray for divine protection






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June 29th 2021  

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1 Comment

Dragon Slayer Intel

- 3 years ago  

link: Vaxxidents? Vaxxed People Lose Control Of Their Bodies While Driving