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100% PROOF Covid-2020 was Planned Years in Advance

  - 1:33:49

Cracks started to appear in the official (U.N. and W.H.O.) narrative early on with many medical professionals and whistleblowers speaking out - whether it was about PCR tests, serology, pointless face masks, lockdowns, etc. This episode of Truthiverse proves to anyone with at least 2 functional brain cells that the "pandemic" is really a plan-demic which has been in the works for years. Take a tour through the overwhelming evidence that our "leaders" are just liars and crooks, engineering a (lucrative) global technocratic surveillance state that would make Big Brother blush - with covid as the pretext. You'll Learn: - Why thousands of doctors around the world are calling the "covid-19 pandemic" a scam - Which group of "ultra-Elite" met in 1954 (and every year since) to discuss how to reduce world population... - ...and how that relates to covid-2020 - Some of the top reasons the most powerful people in the world would want to stage a fake pandemic (or many of them!) - Why you don't need a real infectious disease to convince millions there's a "pandemic" - The hard evidence proving people in "high places" knew about covid-19 YEARS before it's supposed "discovery" in the last weeks of 2019 - How a rapper knew in 2013 there would be a "coronavirus pandemic" in 2020 ...and much, MUCH more. Please subscribe, drop a review, and *share* About Brendan D. Murphy: Author of the monumental masterpiece (as dubbed by several readers) "The Grand Illusion: A Synthesis of Science and Spirituality - Book 1" and co-founder of the censorship-free Fedbook alternative - Trooth network - Brendan's life revolves entirely around creating a better, freer, healthier world for all humans. Buy the book: Watch the Evolve Yourself Masterclass: Join






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