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2023 Odyssey | The Social Media Effect of Polarizing Proportions Part 1

  - 45:13

This video is going through a lot of issues arising from this social media miasma and the tik tokification of how artistic expression has been devalued under the term content, like products of consumption, causing a hypereality swamping effect of the information overload of opinions, events and attention-grabbing eye candy.. This is more concerning for the easily impressionable youthful minds growing up in an era that's shifting narratives to distorted views of history, new speak and one's own identity.. How much will AI augment this conundrum and how will people sustain their genuine human authenticity throughout? Where are we going at this current rate of the grand human trajectory in the overall bigger picture in this earth timeline? This is more than just a year in review as we examine some of the factors that has led up to this current paradigm to help answer the questions of how did we get to this point, how have things gotten this bad? This video was taxing to say the least in making of this; the research involved and the contemplation/consideration of it all.. I needed to step away a few times just because of the intense influx of images and opinions I sat through was a bit overwhelming to be honest.. making this wasn't that challenging editing wise and such, it just took waaay longer than I expected.. I'll need a lil digital detox after this one..






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November 25th 2023  

File Size: 365 MB

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